Framing Risks to Business…

Michael D. Moberly, Principal, Founder, kpstrat A desired takeaway of this post @ ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog’ is to express an option to binary conventions, upon which to frame discussions – decisions regarding whether, why, when, how, and/or where to devote time...

Business Reputation Risk Recovery – Restoration

Michael D. Moberly, Principal, Founder, kpstrat Reviewing multiple business reputation risk firm websites, its quite clear many apply simplified generalizations to describe… what, where, how, when (preludes, circumstances) to reputation risk (affecting a business, its...

Branding Due Diligence 2021

Michael D. Moberly, Principal, Founder, kpstrat Prudent branding due diligence is practiced in advance of launch by describing, objectively distinguishing and assessing risks relevant to… key – mission essential intangible (brand) assets in play,present day...