Why It’s Important to Safeguard – Mitigate Risk to Business Things Intangible…?

Michael D. Moberly is a business intangible asset strategist and risk mitigator. This post is one of 1,200+ published at the Business Intangible Asset Blog. Thanks for reading…

My research, writing, research, speaking, teaching, and publishing over many years remains focused on matters related to and benefits derived from effectively utilizing, safeguarding, and mitigating risk to business things intangible and issued IP.

With special emphasis on various forms, contexts, and applications of intangible assets distinguished as mission enhancing and/or mission essential, e.g., measurably contribute to revenue generation, and valuation of a business, products, brands, services, standing, and/or competitiveness.

This includes (especially unique and/or proprietary forms and use of) intellectual capital (knowledge, know-how), structural capital (processes, procedures) and relationship capital (associations, alliances, collaborations).

Safeguardingmitigating risk to business things intangible includes providing guidance for business leaders, R&D administrators, and investors to sustain control, use, and ownership of mission enhancing – mission essential intellectual, structural, and relationship capital which are considered proprietary, e.g., R&D applications and/or issued IP (intellectual property).

Rationale for my work is reinforced by repeated findings of well-regarded research which conclude that successful business development, operation, and economics are increasingly intangible-asset intensive, dependent, and reliant.

This translates to 70-80+/-% of most businesses competitiveness, revenue generation capability, valuation, and sustainability (irrespective of sector, size, or stage of development) are driven by and rely-depend on the right intangible assets being developed and introduced at the right time, in the right way, at the right cost.

My work (publishing papers, speaking engagements, Blog, and books) also incorporate assessing and mitigating business – brand vulnerability-probability-criticality to reputational risks, misappropriation, economic espionage, and arrays of circumstances and/or nefarious acts which can…

  • favorably or adversely effect attractivity, competitiveness, monetization, valuation, revenue generation capability, and investor attractivity, etc., to intangible assets which underlie a particular-product, brand, service, innovation, or reputation.

My writing – publishing reflects business’s necessary interest in and fiduciary obligations to advantageously use, monetize, safeguard, and mitigate risk to business things intangible which are mission and/or transaction essential.

Circumstantial insights as conveyed here, combined with sector specific perspectives are near obligatory preludes to advancing – sustaining (good, better, best) positions to…

  • develop-introduce advantageous strategies and practices to reflect intangible asset intensity, dependency, and
  • advance – sustain revenue generation capability, competitiveness, valuation, and resilience.
  • stimulate – advance operating culture satisfaction, momentum, and standing.
  • recognize – mitigate risks to essential intangible assets in play.

Insights, capabilities, and proficiencies gleaned from my work, writing, and speaking (and like-minded colleagues) allow me to legitimately characterize my role and contributions as ‘business intangible asset strategy and risk mitigation’.

There should be no hesitation today to consider business things intangible designated as essential to business development, mission, and/or a transaction are (fiduciarily) obliged to be treated proprietarily.

That is, safeguarded and risks mitigated to reflect the unique way (how, where, when, why) they contribute to business (product, service) attractivity, competitiveness, valuation, and revenue generation capability.

 Readers are invited to examine ‘Safeguarding Intangible Assets’ a book I authored at https://kpstrat.com/books/ 

Posts @ Business Intangible Asset Blog present various business economic – operational realities. Business leaders, entrepreneurs, R&D administrators, management teams, boards, and investors across sectors report benefiting from these posts, e.g., mitigating (reacting, responding to) the often ‘public – viral’ risks and challenges which produce reputational risks, are obligations with little room or time for equivocation or error.

The Business Intangible Asset Blog was created in 2006 and now includes 1200+ topic-specific- long form posts. Posts are intended to provide readers with unique and reliable insights on current matters related to – affecting business things intangible.

Posts at Business Intangible Asset Blog are developed – written solely by Mr. Moberly (not AI). Posts are intended to draw readers attention to the development, application, management, safeguards, and risk mitigation obligations necessary today for business’s ‘mission essential’ intangible assets.

Readers are also invited to explore other posts, along with books and papers available @ ‘Home – kpstrat


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