Why Business’s Should Safeguard – Mitigate Risk to Their Proprietary Knowhow…

Michael D. Moberly – April 5, 2024 – Business Intangible Asset Strategist & Risk Mitigator – Founder, Business Intangible Asset Blog & kpstrat

Safeguarding – mitigating risk to business’s often proprietary intangible assets, e.g., unique and valuable knowledge and know-how, are essential contributors to sustainable successes.

Today, businesses are increasingly intangible asset intensive, dependent, and reliant. irrespective of sector, size, stage, sales, products, or services

This influences business success to be portrayed not solely in contexts of revenue generation and valuation, but also in measures of reputation, competitiveness, attractivity for investment, and operating culture, etc., the intangible (non-physical) contributions to balance sheets.

There are fifteen types – categories of intangible assets (including IP) which I encourage familiarity for all business leaders, management teams, boards, and investors. What Are Intangible Assets? – kpstrat

Familiarity is obliged to include differentiating businesses ‘mission essential’ intangible assets which often originate internally and are considered proprietary as unique forms, contexts, and/or applications of…

  • intellectual capital (knowledge, knowhow).
  • structural capital (processes, procedures), and/or
  • relationship capital (alliances, interactions, associations)
    • which frequently are intended to be business, brand, product, and/or service specific.

‘Mission essential’ intangible assets are observable in every business which I am familiar whether they are recognized as such, or not. Particular-intangible assets, which are distinguished as mission essential convey which, how, when, where, and why they serve as foundational underliers and measurable contributors to a business’s successes.

Mission essential intangible assets favorably differentiate a business, economically, operationally, competitively, and culturally, etc., relative to the demand for and value of its products, services, brand, reputation, image, and goodwill, etc.

Let there be little debate, on this matter, these universal business economic facts and operational realities, having to do with intangible asset intensity, dependency, and reliance translates to…

  • 70-80+% of most business’s competitiveness, innovation, revenue generation capability, reputation, valuation, and sustainability, lie in – emerge directly from non-physical (intangible) assets, and less from tangible-physical-fixed assets.

This business transition of more reliance on intangible – non-physical assets and less reliance on conventional tangible-physical-fixed assets was initially described in Intangibles | BrookingsUnseen Wealth: Report of the Brookings Task Force on Intangibles on JSTORIntangible Assets: Computers and Organizational Capital | Brookings)

Today, and for the foreseeable future, business-brand specific (mission essential) intangible assets are less likely to be available for purchase – application in conventional off-the-shelf contexts. Instead, the much-needed inputs of particular-intangible assets which are frequently capable of being developed and applied internally, proprietarily, and then perhaps portrayed in some ‘trade secrecy’ context.

However, a mere designation of proprietary or ‘trade secrecy’ are not self-enforcing nor does either serve as sufficient or stand-alone deterrents to the nefarious.

Preferably, business’s ‘mission essential’ intangible assets should be subject to monitorable and maneuverable safeguards and risk mitigation. Doing so, can position same for sustained (long term) economic – competitive advantage benefit, and be legitimately measured as valuable and measurable contributors throughout their respective life-value cycle.

As such, most business’s ‘mission essential’ intangible assets are legitimate, measurable, reliable, and strategic barometers – differentiators that warrant reader familiarity.

Unfortunately, internally developed – applied intangible assets (e.g., knowledge, knowhow, etc.) are seldom treated as proprietary.

Readers are invited to examine ‘Safeguarding Intangible Assets’ a book I authored at https://kpstrat.com/books/ 

Posts @ Business Intangible Asset Blog present various business economic – operational realities. Business leaders, entrepreneurs, R&D administrators, management teams, boards, and investors across sectors report benefiting from these posts, e.g., mitigating (reacting, responding to) the often ‘public – viral’ risks and challenges which produce reputational risks, are obligations with little room or time for equivocation or error.

The Business Intangible Asset Blog was created in 2006 and now includes 1200+ topic-specific- long form posts. Posts are intended to provide readers with unique and reliable insights on current matters related to – affecting business things intangible.

Posts at Business Intangible Asset Blog are developed – written solely by Mr. Moberly (not AI). Posts are intended to draw readers attention to the development, application, management, safeguards, and risk mitigation obligations necessary today for business’s ‘mission essential’ intangible assets.

Readers are also invited to explore other posts, along with books and papers available @ ‘Home – kpstrat

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