What Is An Intangible Asset Specialist and What Can They Do For Companies?

Michael D. Moberly      December 8, 2010

I start with the premise that management teams and boards have a fiduciary responsibility to routinely and objectively ask…

   is our company properly positioned, insofar as possessing the expertise and skill sets, to identify, unravel, develop, bundle,  utilize, and extract as much value as possible from its intangibles, while simultaneously protecting and monitoring risks to those assets’ value, sustainability, and materiality’? 

As noted numerous times in this blog, the key requisite to managing and overseeing a company’s intangibles is the ability to sustain control, use, ownership, and monitor their value and materiality.  If the former does not occur, or fails, little else matters, because asset value can quickly go to zero!

An intangible asset officer (specialist) can benefit a company by…

1. Providing on-going guidance to business units and management teams for managing intangibles, i.e., monitoring and extracting value, delivering competitive advantages, and developing strategic plans for measuring asset performance, monitoring risks  and materiality.

2. Adding predictability to business transaction outcomes by assessing the stability, defensibility, value, and sustainability of the intangibles in play.

3. Conducting periodic intangible asset assessments to monitor competitive advantages and ensure asset synergies and efficiencies are being effectively utilized.

4. Reducing the probability that the momentum of a project or deal can be stifled or undermined by identifying and mitigating circumstances that can (a.) ensnare and/or entangle the assets in costly and time consuming legal challenges, (b.) erode asset performance and value.

5. Improving the valuing, reporting, and accounting of intangibles and integrating same in (a.) asset development, (b.) company governance processes, and (c.) specialized asset management initiatives, i.e., knowledge management and balanced scorecard.

6. Building an ‘intangible asset’ company culture that’s effectively aligned – converged with a company’s mission and business objectives.

7. Designing an organizational resilience (continuity, contingency) plan that encompasses mission essential intangible assets to provide quicker recovery following a significant business disruption or natural disaster.

8. Monitoring intangible asset value chains, i.e., the inter-connectedness between the production, acquisition, and utilization of intangibles relative to their contributions to company value, revenue, and creating and sustaining competitive advantages.

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