by beanstalk | Feb 8, 2016 | Intangible Assets & Business
Respectfully, one would think at this point…with it being an irreversible economic fact – business reality that businesses globally are becoming predominantly intangible asset intensive and dependent, and that 80+% of most company’s value, sources of...
by beanstalk | Sep 26, 2012 | Intangible Assets & Business
Michael D. Moberly September 26, 2012 Let’s face it, intangible assets are not always easy to articulate, to explain, or define, particularly to those unfamiliar or unaccustomed to recognizing their contribution to a company’s value and revenue. Unfortunately,...
by beanstalk | Nov 10, 2009 | Intangible Assets & Business
Michael D. Moberly November 10, 2009 ‘A blog where attention span really matters’! Anytime I am in a engaged in a conversation with a member of some companies’ management – leadership team, I find it revealing if they express indifference toward intangible...