Risks to ‘Mission Essential’ Intangible Assets Held By Businesses…

Michael D. Moberly is a business intangible asset strategist and risk mitigator. This post is one of 1,200+ published at the Business Intangible Asset Blog. Thanks for reading…

Over two decades of serving businesses, management teams, R&D entrepreneurial ventures, and investors in the unique capacity of business intangible asset strategist – risk mitigator, seldom do I arrive for discussions with parties holding familiarity – practicing strategies specific to the intangible assets they have likely developed, hold as proprietary, and consistently use and rely.

Today, and for the foreseeable future, most businesses irrespective of sector, size, sales, stage of development/maturation, location, products or services, are increasingly intangible asset intensive, dependent, and reliant.

The distinguishable appeal of businesses brand, product, service, reputation, and operating culture, etc., which convert to valuation, revenue generation capability, and sustainability, etc., depend – derive from developing and introducing the right sets of intangible assets, at the right time, in the right way, at the right cost.

To date, my research, writing, publishing, and engagements have focus primarily on those assets ‘mission essentiality’. That is, I respectfully demonstrate perspectives to distinguish – measure the contributory roles and value adds of business specific intangibles, i.e., if, how, when, and where.

This permits me to legitimately distinguish business’s mission essential intangible assets as primarily originating – existing in various forms, contexts, and applications of unique…

  • intellectual capital (knowledge, knowhow).
  • structural capital (processes, procedures).
  • relationship capital (alliances, partnerships, coalitions)

The distinguishable contributions of either form of intangible asset (above) make (individually, collectively, collaboratively) to a business’s valuation, revenue generation capability, competitiveness, and reputation-brand, are increasingly vulnerable to arrays of at will risks and intimidating shouts, shouting, and shouters.  “Business Reputation Assassinations…”

For businesses (nationally – internationally) which my work and interests have granted familiarity and insight, the sudden materialization and various ways and venues/platforms which business adversities, malicious accusations, and/or revelations of suspected misdeeds, indiscretions, and/or ethical lapses are publicly translated at keystroke speeds can stifle momentum, demoralize operating cultures, undermine R&D initiatives, weaken valuation, and suppress appeal of products, services, and brands. “Business Operating Cultures Are Intangible Asset Intensive…”

Leaders whose experiences to contend some variation of the following…

  • adverse effects of risks insofar as undermining ‘mission essential’ intangible assets are likely to be short-lived and wholly recoverable, and/or,
  • affected intangibles can be readily and effectively replicated if-when necessary to permit a rapid recovery, are encouraged to read further.

Respectfully, readers need not look far to recognize contentions and strategies based on either, warrant reconsideration.

Today, the asymmetric origins, features, rationales, and tracks which risks-threats-intimidations-inuendo can emerge, be translated, expressed, and reiterated at the will and timing of others via platforms and venues of preference, is obliged to be reflected in distinguishable techniques and strategies designed to avoid, defend, as well as mitigate (vulnerability-probability-criticality) of risks materializing to impact businesses ‘mission essential’ intangible assets.

 Readers are invited to examine ‘Safeguarding Intangible Assets’ a book I authored at https://kpstrat.com/books/ 

Posts @ Business Intangible Asset Blog present various business economic – operational realities. Business leaders, entrepreneurs, R&D administrators, management teams, boards, and investors across sectors report benefiting from these posts, e.g., mitigating (reacting, responding to) the often ‘public – viral’ risks and challenges which produce reputational risks, are obligations with little room or time for equivocation or error.

The Business Intangible Asset Blog was created in 2006 and now includes 1200+ topic-specific- long form posts. Posts are intended to provide readers with unique and reliable insights on current matters related to – affecting business things intangible.

Posts at Business Intangible Asset Blog are developed – written solely by Mr. Moberly (not AI). Posts are intended to draw readers attention to the development, application, management, safeguards, and risk mitigation obligations necessary today for business’s ‘mission essential’ intangible assets.

Readers are also invited to explore other posts, along with books and papers available @ ‘Home – kpstrat


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