How Business Perceptions of Risk Matter and Why ‘Updates’ Are Necessary…

Michael D. Moberly is a business intangible asset strategist and risk mitigator. This post is one of 1,200+ published at the Business Intangible Asset Blog. Thanks for reading…

As a longtime business intangible asset strategist and risk mitigator, I still find numerous perceptions of and approaches to addressing business risks by leaders, management teams, boards, and investors fall short.

That is, many intuitive perceptions of risk and methods for risk avoidance, mitigation, and recovery were born in earlier eras in which businesses were largely dependent on creating, buying, holding, and applying physical – tangible assets.

Equipment, machines, structures, and means to acquire materials, manufacture, and transport products are readily observable, touchable, discernable, manufacturable, countable, monitorable, and trackable from raw material to end user throughout value-supply chains.

Accordingly, business leaders’ projections for and differentiation – mitigation of, and insuring against risk, were largely rooted in experiential gauging (best guesstimates) of the vulnerability, probability, criticality, and recoverability of tangible – physical assets which a business held, used, and relied.

Such perceptions and characterizations of business risk, primarily to businesses tangible-physical assets, translated (over years) as standards and/or benchmarks across sectors which conveyed little, if any recognition – appreciation for the growing presence and reliance on the expanding intensity and value-ability of business things intangible.

Unfortunately, many perceptions about business risk as well as recognition, strategic planning and decision-making relative to avoidance, mitigation, and recovery remain rooted perspectives and concepts wherein businesses relied – depended almost wholly on tangible – physical types of assets.

The ‘mission essentiality’ that business leaders, management teams, innovators, R&D administrators, and investors adjust perceptions about where, when, which, how, why risks emerge and materialize, now asymmetrically at key stroke speeds

Lamentably, seldom do I find conventionally framed perceptions of and approaches for mitigating risks to business’s tangible-physical assets (largely developed in previous eras) necessarily, or sufficiently inclusive of present-day asymmetric risks, deliverable at the will and timing of ideological, political, and/or economic ‘others’ seeking some variation of advantage.

Through the ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog’ which I founded and author, and other direct means, the intent is to respectfully bring present-day experiential-based clarity and attention to these economic and competitive advantage realities…

  • developing and sustainably operating most/more businesses irrespective of sector, size, stage of development, maturation, location, products, services, and/or R&D dependency,
  • 80+/-% of their brand valuation, reputation, operating culture, competitiveness, revenue generation capability, and the resilience, and sustainability of each are (increasingly, irreversibly, and measurably) intangible asset intensive, dependent, and reliant.

Readers are invited to examine ‘Safeguarding Intangible Assets’ a book I authored at 

Posts @ Business Intangible Asset Blog present various business economic – operational realities. Business leaders, entrepreneurs, R&D administrators, management teams, boards, and investors across sectors report benefiting from these posts, e.g., mitigating (reacting, responding to) the often ‘public – viral’ risks and challenges which produce reputational risks, are obligations with little room or time for equivocation or error.

The Business Intangible Asset Blog was created in 2006 and now includes 1200+ topic-specific- long form posts. Posts are intended to provide readers with unique and reliable insights on current matters related to – affecting business things intangible.

Posts at Business Intangible Asset Blog are developed – written solely by Mr. Moberly (not AI). Posts are intended to draw readers attention to the development, application, management, safeguards, and risk mitigation obligations necessary today for business’s ‘mission essential’ intangible assets.

Readers are also invited to explore other posts, along with books and papers available @ ‘Home – kpstrat

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