Most businesses today (nationally, internationally) are intangible asset reliant.
Better Business – University Reaction Statements to IP Theft
Intangible Assets & Business, Intellectual property matters, Safeguarding Intangible Assets & IP
Business-university reaction statements to IP theft are obliged to recognize, (preferably, in advance) that misappropriation – infringement of ‘mission essential’ IP can materialize in various and non-descript ways.
Business – University Reaction Statements to IP Theft…
Intangible Assets & Business, Intellectual property matters, Safeguarding Intangible Assets & IP
Business – University reaction statements to IP theft
Insider Theft of Business’s Intangible Assets Cause Irreversible Losses…
Intangible Assets & Business, Intellectual property matters, Safeguarding Intangible Assets & IP
Insider theft and espionage remain a timely, relevant, and obligatory issues which business leaders and research administers should hold familiarity.
Economic Espionage and University Research…
Business Reputation Risk & Mitigation, Intellectual property matters, Safeguarding Intangible Assets & IP
Economic espionage is foreign sponsored – coordinated intelligence activity directed to the US government, private corporations, and/or university-based (corporate-government sponsored) R&D.
Pursuance and Issuance of Intellectual Property
Business Reputation Risk & Mitigation, Intangible Valuation & Monetization, Intellectual property matters, Safeguarding Intangible Assets & IP
Pursuance – issuance of intellectual property represents a shared ambition for many innovators, entrepreneurs, researchers, scientists, and business leaders.