Irresponsible to assume the chasm of IA thinking can be squeezed into bumper sticker ‘sloganisms’ to indulge presumptively narrow attention spans.
Intangible Assets Eureka Moments…
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Intangible Valuation & Monetization
Irresponsible to assume the chasm of IA thinking can be squeezed into bumper sticker ‘sloganisms’ to indulge presumptively narrow attention spans.
Intangible Valuation & Monetization
Thinking differently about valuing intangible asset valuations absent conventional oversights of state and federal asset accounting and reporting rules.
Intangible Valuation & Monetization
Valuing intangible assets’ contributory value.
Intangible Valuation & Monetization
Managerial – business culture arrogance is an intangible asset (relationship capital) negative irrespective of whom, where, how, when, or why it manifests.
Intangible Valuation & Monetization
Public relations problems vs. reputation risks, when does the former become the latter?
Intangible Valuation & Monetization
Destroy the ‘ism’ components of terrorism as if they were irreplaceable – irreproducible tangible or physical assets.