Why Businesses Are Increasingly Dependent – Reliant On Intangible Assets

Michael D. Moberly, Principal, Founder kpstrat – A Business Intangible Asset Strategy and Risk Mitigation Collaborative – Business Intangible Asset Blog: A Reliable Source About Business Things Intangible Since 2006

Most businesses rely-depend on intangible assets they develop – hold for valuation, competitiveness, revenue generation, resilience, and investment.

This business economic – operating reality, obliges leaders, management teams, boards, and investors, irrespective of sector, size, stage, product, service, or standing to, encourage introduction of practices that

  1. distinguish various types, categories, and contexts of intangible assets in use.
  2. designate particular – intangible assets as ‘mission essential’.
  3. introduce safeguards – risk mitigators to intangible assets for the duration of their value-materiality-contributory (life) cycle.

Traditionally, decisions to commit or forego introducing applying safeguards and risk mitigation, tend to materialize at the margins, where either may be…

  • mis-characterized as non-ROI producing costs or a subordinate stepchild to intellectual property.

This curriculum distinguishes the originators-developers-holders (i.e., successful IP applicants) will receive a certificate, issued by the government, ala a patent, trademark, or copyright.

  • Universally, the issuance of IP, serves as a ‘signal’ that the content (of the IP) is valuable and proprietary, and holders should treat it accordingly, via safeguards, risk mitigation, insurance, and NDA’s, etc., wherever, however, or whenever that IP is in play.

On the other hand, developers-holders-users of ‘mission essential’ intangible assets a business had developed – holds – applies, seldom differentiated – valued for its various contributory roles – value adds produced.

Experientially, this is variously due to a conventional perception of primacy of and deference to conventional…

  1. accounting standards, i.e., designating-valuing-reporting intangible assets and their longevity.
  2. legal (IP) practices – precedents which seldom distinguish intellectual, structural, and relationship capital developed – held by a business.

This professional development curriculum brings cross sector clarity, relevance, guidance, and ‘best practices’ to business things intangible, i.e.,

  • 80+% of most business’s valuation, competitiveness, revenue generation capability, investment attractivity, and sustainability lie in – emerge directly from intangible assets. (Brookings Institution Intangibles Project – Unseen Wealth)

Heretofore, perspectives which are described – explained – demonstrated in this professional development curriculum were likely to have been considered inconsequential, and seldom, if ever, characterized as (fiduciary) obligations for business leadership.

Conventional (business) leadership, management, stewardship, and oversight practices seldom confidently or neatly, encompass the intangible asset-side-of-business….

  • unless – until risks publicly materialize to (a.) stifle business momentum, (b.) undermine business – brand – reputation valuation, and/or (c.) create competitive harms, e.g., to standing, goodwill, operating culture, and investment attractivity.

In lieu of those long held oversights, this curriculum brings operational – economic clarity to ‘mission essential’ intangible assets via legitimate, experiential, and respectful challenge to such conventional perspectives.

Legitimately, this professional development curriculum frames leader obligations (as fiduciary) insofar as…

  • differentiating business things intangible relative to their contributory roles.
  • designating those with measurably elevated as ‘mission essential’ attributes.
  • managing those assets as positive – sustainable contributors to valuation, competitiveness, and revenue generation, etc.
  • safeguarding – mitigating risks, accordingly, because doing so is…

solely up to the assets’ developers, holders, owners, users, investors, and array of beneficiaries.

Necessarily, then, this professional development curriculum respectfully supplants some conventional perspectives regarding intangible asset development, economics, competitiveness, and revenue generation capability, etc., by…

  • describing today’s dependance – reliance on business things intangible and leadership’s obligatory recognition of same
  • ensuring the curriculum does not solely reflect a western (U.S. business) perspective, rather, global (business) perspectives, insofar as
    • conveying the universality of and contributory roles + value adds attributable to developing and,
    • developing – introducing the right business things intangible, in the right way, at the right time, at the right cost, and
    • safeguarding + mitigating risk to same for the duration of their respective life-value-materiality cycles.

This curriculum is 20+ years in the making, via independent research, professional engagements, relationship building, and being in ‘perpetual learning mode’ regarding business things intangible. (see resources).

Achieving operational familiarity with business things intangible is a primary goal for participants of this curriculum. This embodies a straight-forward principle of know’em when you see’um, and recognizing…

  1. increasing percentages of businesses (today, and for the foreseeable future) are intangible asset intensive, dependent, and reliant.
  2. when-where-how-why intangible assets develop, emerge, and converge in as attractive components to business operating cultures.
  3. how to differentiate business’s intangible assets as ‘mission essential’.
  4. circumstances in which intangible assets are in play, and likely at risk.

Each post @ Business Intangible Asset Blog, is developed, researched, written, and published entirely @ the experienced hand of Michael D. Moberly.

The ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog’ originated in 2006 and now includes 1100+ long form (topic specific) posts intended to respectfully provide readers, ala business leaders, management teams, boards, and investors (nationally – internationally) with reliable insights and perspectives about the intangible asset-side of business development, economics, valuation, competitiveness, operability, resilience, and sustainability.


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