Unimpaired Business Intangible Asset Fire Sales…

Michael D. Moberly, Principal, Founder kpstrat and ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog – Business Intangible Asset Strategics – Risk Mitigator

Bleakly, and unfortunately, devastating business reputation risk circumstances can deliver opportunities for intangible asset fire sales.

Readers recognize that most business’s reputation variously originate, develop, emerge, rise, and become sustainable and preferably lucrative, via the

  • collaborative introduction of the right, largely intangible descriptors and images (of a product, service, offering) at the right time, in the right way, at the right cost, connected to a reliable – supportive operating culture.

As a business intangible asset strategist – risk mitigator, some contributions I make to businesses- clients, can be…

  • tactical in the sense of relevance/application to particular-types of business transactions, i.e., buy-sell-license, etc., whenever, however, and wherever intangible assets are in play.
  • circumstantial, to surface, showcase, and advance particular-intangible assets (underlying – integral to same) competitively, lucratively, and as observable components to a reliable – supportive operating culture, and
  • strategic by guiding these components to function – embed collaboratively – lucratively – competitively for sustainable – long term benefits.

Unfortunately, today, and, for the foreseeable future, for various irrelevant + relevant reasons-rationales, some business leaders and the businesses they oversee can reputationally self-destruct…

  • often very rapidly, with fewer ‘fixes, remediations, or quick turn arounds’ readily available, and
  • carelessly – inconsiderately allowing a lot of still valuable, useful, and competitive intangible assets suspended and dangling, ala various forms, contexts, and applications of intellectual, structural, and relationship capital.

In numerous instances, the leadership, management team, board, and investors of an adversely (reputation risk) affected business, ‘are in scramble mode’ endeavoring to…

  • shore-up, defend, respond, and otherwise try to save aspects of reputations related to a particular-product, service, innovation, and of course, standing that remain reasonably unblemished and perhaps proprietarily intact.

The success of doing so is costly and the outcomes are varied, and come with no guarantee of sustainability, especially when…

  • momentum has been stifled, operating culture disillusioned, and good employees seek-pursue opportunities to exit, along with their intellectual, structural, and relationship capital, while,
  • investors and value – supply chains listen, watch, assess, and react accordingly, in their best interest.

Repairing – rebuilding business reputation is doable (more so) if, when, and where, either is assessed to be feasible – plausible among customers, consumers, and clients, who hopefully…

  • in the interim – during the ‘reputational turmoil’, are yet to be drawn or attracted to considering other sources in the interim.

Once again, when a business’ reputation (brand) has suddenly gone awry, perhapsvia a directed and excessively public risk (internally, externally, or self-inflicted) it’s quite possible, an intangible asset fire salemay be on the horizon, wherein…

  • particular-intangible assets still held and intact could be (bought, sold, licensed, or transferred to aspiring competitors.
  • providing same are sufficiently separatable from adverse association that is irreparable, and
  • remain attractive, valuable, and useful if-when applied to other circumstances and/or businesses not experiencing reputational trauma.

Business intangible asset ‘fire sales’ should consider, among other things…

  • recognizing the various types and contexts of intangible assets a prospective buyer needs, can apply and integrate in an existing operational culture.
  • assessing the intangible assets (individually, collectively) for potential transferability, operability, and sustainability, e.g., capable of producing – contributing – delivering comparable attractivity, brand influence, valuation, competitive advantage, and revenue generation capability.

This post, and each post published @ Business Intangible Asset Blog, have been developed, researched, written, and published entirely @ the experienced hand of Michael D. Moberly, not AI.

The ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog’ is experientially researched, written, and produced by Michael D. Moberly (since 2006 – over 1000 long form posts) to provide readers (business leaders, management teams, boards, and investors) with reliable perspectives and nuanced insights to distinguish, value, and safeguard particular – business things intangible designated as mission essential. 


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