Trolling Business’s Intangible Assets…

Michael D. Moberly is a Business Intangible Asset Strategist, Risk Mitigator, and Founder – Principal of kpstrat and ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog

Social media trolls – trolling can execute asymmetrically and relatively anonymously @ keystroke speed to adversely affect the reputations of business leaders, management teams, boards, investors, and arrays of stakeholders.

A relevant starting point which I encourage to address – mitigate adverse (reputational) effects of social media trolls – trolling is for leaders, et al, to assume it a (fiduciary) obligation to avoid characterizing or dismissing either phenomenon as merely…

  • mischievous, spiteful, inconsequential, and/or spurious acts, behaviors, annoyances, or inconveniences accompanying social media presence.
  • unavoidably ‘baked in’ to current keystroke speed cultures.
  • producing temporary – short-lived adversities that fade – wilt as quickly leaving little – no negligeable long-term effects.

Business leaders influenced to be dismissive of the actions of social media trolls – trolling effects to reputation are-also-obliged to recognize + factor the speed which the affects can cascade virally to (a.) undermine, (b.) produce doubts, and (c.) cause reluctance, which (d.) compound the actual reputational risks…

  • all-of-which are costly and time consuming to try to defend, mitigate, and recover – recoup.

As a business intangible asset strategist – risk mitigator I endeavor to respectfully draw attention to 15+ types-categories of recognized (business) intangible assets.

Experientially – practically, I attach particular-importance to 3-types – categories of business things intangible, i.e., which, when, where, and how to introduce – safeguard various forms – contexts of…

  1. intellectual capital: knowledge and know how.
  2. structural capital: processes and procedures, and
  3. relationship capital: internal-external associations and alliances.

I and kpstrat differentiate the above by guiding businesses to develop – apply – hold unique forms intangible assets at the right time, in the right way, at the right cost.

All-the-while differentiating + safeguarding the various-ways each intangible asset contributes – adds value to a business brand, product, service, and/or transaction relative to competitiveness, valuation, revenue generation capability-capacity, sustainability, and very importantly, converge in-as lucrative – attractive (business) operating cultures.

Trolls – trolling derive in slang to describe individuals (and/or their representatives) who post inflammatory, insincere, and/or unconnected messages in social media communities.

Three prominent intents of trolls – trolling are to (a.) attract ‘hits and clicks’, and (b.) manipulate perceptions – revelations, and (c.) activate – provoke readers to post emotional – distressed responses, e.g., anger, offend, humiliate, undermine, discredit.

The intended product of trolls – trolling often set-in-motion reputational challenges which the target senses and/or has been-influenced to defend and counter.

Unfortunately, the targets repertoire of responses may be akin to the Rodney Dangerfield misogynistic joke (decades ago) of asking ‘have you stopped engaging in domestic violence?’  Either response may be incriminating.

The ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog’ is experientially-researched, written, and produced by Michael D. Moberly, to provide perspectives, insights, and additional and sometimes alternative perspectives to readers, ala business leaders, management teams, boards, and investors, etc., to aid in identifying, distinguishing, assessing, valuing, safeguarding, and lucratively – competitively utilizing -applying their ‘mission essential’ intangible assets. 

Readers are-encouraged to review and comment on this, and other posts wherein arrays of issues related to business things intangible.


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