by beanstalk | Dec 6, 2012 | Intangible Assets & Business
Michael D. Moberly December 6, 2012 Readers, let there be no question, I am a strong and unapologetic advocate of intangible assets! One of the more frustrating aspects to my and numerous colleagues various work, research, and professional association initiatives...
by beanstalk | Sep 26, 2012 | Intangible Assets & Business
Michael D. Moberly September 26, 2012 Let’s face it, intangible assets are not always easy to articulate, to explain, or define, particularly to those unfamiliar or unaccustomed to recognizing their contribution to a company’s value and revenue. Unfortunately,...
by beanstalk | May 10, 2012 | Intangible Assets & Business
Michael D. Moberly May 10, 2012 As an intangible asset advocate, one of the more frustrating aspects to the continual campaign of elevating awareness and use of intangibles’ is the rather unhelpful and esoteric language used to formally define them, e.g.,...
by beanstalk | May 7, 2012 | Intangible Assets & Business
Michael D. Moberly May 7, 2012 Let’s get serious about defining and explaining what intangible assets are. Unfortunately however, there remain some challenges throughout much of the business community insofar as defining and explaining precisely what intangible...
by beanstalk | Oct 20, 2009 | Uncategorized
Michael D. Moberly October 20, 2009 Let’s face it, intangible assets are not always easy to articulate, to explain, or define for those unfamiliar with their existance or unaccustomed to recognizing (measuring) their contributions to a company’s value,...