Startups Preparing to ‘Pitch’ Prospective Investors…

Michael D. Moberly, Principal, Founder kpstrat and ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog – Business Intangible set Strategies and Risk Mitigator

Founders – leaders of startups who aspire to execute admirable, distinguishable, memorable, and persuasive pitches (presentations – meetings) with/to prospective investors, are…

  • encouraged to recognize the various questions (prospective investors are likely to ask)as described in this series of posts @ Business Intangible Asset Blog, represents essential components to momentum, progress, and sustainability.

Startup leaderships’ advance preparation insofar as recognizing (a.) whowhichwhy particular prospective investors are being pitched, (b.) the questions they will likely ask + expect answers, and (c.) the reality there may be no ‘do-over opportunities for that prospective investor, hence (d.) importance attaches to language, demeanor, experientials, and preparation, all-of-which…

  • warrants reflection among startup founders, leaders, and management team members to authentically message advantages to investment, which well-prepared – realistic responses can deliver.

Too, those who ‘pitch’ prospective investors are encouraged to recognize the audience ‘has likely heard it all before’, thus the

  • words, phrasing, passion, and demeanor startup leaders exhibit ‘throughout a pitch and subsequent Q&A’ are obliged to be authentic, realistic, on-point, relevant, interesting, nuanced, passionate, memorable, and un-embellished, ala
  1. describe the startups’ business model, e.g., interesting, specific, and viable.
  2. illustrate the startups’ collaborative operating culture commitment that embodies depth, breadth, opportunity, and sustainability.
  3. explain potential – probable risks + forthcoming challenges – hurdles and how same are addressed, mitigated, and achieved.
  4. articulate the importance of investment capital and where-why investment capital will be applied and howways it will contribute.

Which, why, and how projected risks to a startups’ standing + momentum need to be realistically described in pitches to prospective investors, is because ‘risk’ shares…

  • comparable importance to other aspects of ‘pitch’ preparation and presentation + prospective investors invest – don’t invest calculations.

For these reasons, I encourage startup leaders addressing risk to…

  1. describe risk relative to particular-regulatory hurdles, the validation – sustainability of particular ‘mission essential’ intangible assets, and convey either, as uniquely relevant + important.
  2. describe potential risk materialization insofar as (a.) how – ways same is – may not be relevant, (b.) could produce adverse effects if materialized, (c.) consider characterizing same in contexts of (d.) vulnerability, probability, and criticality, and (e.) internal practices – procedures to alert – mitigate – manage risk via resilience, continuity, and contingencies, etc.
  3. recognize how – ways particular (startup) risks (a.) may be interpreted by a prospective investor, (b.) will likely be explored – clarification sought via follow-up questions, and (c.) translate asspecificterms, conditions, oversight, investment duration, and the probability of securing additional – future investment.

Every startup’s intangible assets should be clearly articulated in ‘pitches’ to prospective investors, e.g., ways – how – where same produce – deliver their unique contributory roles and value adds in-to various stages – outcomes startups desire, by

  • describing how this startup differentiates + sustains the proprietary status of the ‘mission essential’ intangible assets it relies and is dependent, i.e., the underlying – foundational knowledge, knowhow, processes, procedures, capabilities, etc.

Experientially, most private (venture capital) investors are well versed – experienced in seeking – recognizing – differentiating – assessing the

  • presence or absence of what they deem to be ‘essential intangibles’ in startups considered for investment,
  • particularly intangibles conveyed – projected by startup founders, leaders, management teams, and the operating cultures they lead.

This series of posts @ Business Intangible Asset Blog does not portend to constitute the ‘ultimate guide’ for startup founders and management teams to seek, attract, and pitch prospective investors. 

The content – messaging embedded in this series of postsdoes constitute relevant and important steps for which there will seldom be opportunities for do-overs, should same be dismissed or disregarded. These ‘questions’ have universal, individual, and collective relevance and benefit.

Please enjoy…

The ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog’ is experientially-researched, written, and produced by Michael D. Moberly, to provide perspectives, insights, and additional and sometimes alternative perspectives to readers, ala business leaders, management teams, boards, and investors, etc., to aid in identifying, distinguishing, assessing, valuing, safeguarding, and lucratively – competitively utilizing -applying their ‘mission essential’ intangible assets. 

Readers are-encouraged to review and comment on this, and other posts wherein arrays of issues related to business things intangible are authentically and practically conveyed.

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