Startups’ Pitching Investors’…

Michael D. Moberly, Principal, Founder kpstrat and ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog – Business Intangible set Strategies and Risk Mitigator

This post describes – frames – explains probable investors are obliged to ask, unravel, investigate, assess and probably attach conditions to lending or contributing capital.

The manner-in-which ‘capital pursuit – compete’ questions and responses are framed – conveyed and assessed by prospective investors and which startups are obliged to recognize, will be explained in a forthcoming post, will be more informative, relevant, beneficial, and successful to-for startup founders and management teams’ as they pursue, pitch, and hopefully secure needed capital.

There are various avenues sources founders – management teams of startups, early-stage entrepreneurial businesses, and/or university-based R&D enterprises, etc., may consider and pursue needed capital…

  • be it private investment from venture capitalists, or conventional loans, or grants, to advance their mission.

For many, these options warrant familiarity and differentiation, for reasonably objective consideration to pursue and compete for capital needs. Experientially, I frame those options along a continuum of probably not, good, not-so-good, better, best, and/or only!

Startup founders – management teams are encouraged to assume it an obligation (fiduciary and otherwise) to examine – assess each option circumstantially, e.g.,

  • if-how-when-why either may – may not correspond to near term – strategic needs of their particular-entrepreneurial undertaking, i.e.,
    • sector, degree-of-difficulty, hurdles, proof-of-concept, amounts, durations, costs, experience, trials, phases, operating culture, resilience, scalability, lucrative competitiveness, and risks, etc. 

For investment capital seekers, the manner-in-which ‘capital pursuit – compete’ questions and responses are framed – conveyed carries much relevance. e.g.,

  • each ‘capital pursuit – compete question’ which prospective investors are likely to pose + seek answers, carry importance insofar as distinguishing…
  • what is asked, what is said, how either are conveyed, what is heard, and how same is interpreted – assessed represent ‘mission essential’ intangible assets, which every
  • entrepreneurial endeavor I am familiar, is dependent – reliant, will also likely,
    • materialize – translate to-for prospective investors, as discernable and measurable benchmarks to stipulate, perhaps condition, monitor, and assess a capital investment.

The intent, purpose, and preferred outcome for drawing attention to the above, is to aid startup founders – leaders to…

  • articulatebring consistent clarity (near-term, strategic, and operational) to their investment needs + priorities in an authentic and knowledgeable manner.

Experientially, some startup leaders enthusiastically engage in discussions – undertake formal presentations about their entrepreneurism, venture, and mission, in which they wish there were opportunities for ‘do-over – re-do’ insofar as…

  • clarity of mission and project, relevant professional experience, prioritization of capital needs, expenditures, horizons, time frames, and appreciation of risks, hurdles, competition, and operating culture determination, etc.

Each of the above carry their own – are embedded with intangibles which contributors, loan officers, and venture capitalists’ are familiar and will likely translate – be considered in invest – don’t invest equations.

The ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog’ is experientially-researched, written, and produced by Michael D. Moberly, to provide perspectives, insights, and additional and sometimes alternative perspectives to readers, ala business leaders, management teams, boards, and investors, etc., to aid in identifying, distinguishing, assessing, valuing, safeguarding, and lucratively – competitively utilizing -applying their ‘mission essential’ intangible assets. 

Readers are-encouraged to review and comment on this, and other posts wherein arrays of issues related to business things intangible are authentically and practically conveyed.

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