Michael D. Moberly, Principal, Founder kpstrat – A Business Intangible Asset Strategy and Risk Mitigation Collaborative – Business Intangible Asset Blog: A Reliable Source About Business Things Intangible Since 2006

 Today, business leaders, management teams, boards, and investors are obliged to safeguard brands in ways which exceed conventions of brand management.

Safeguarding brands is relevant because…

  1. brands and branding are intangible asset intensive, dependent, and reliant.
  2. 80+% of most business’s valuation, competitiveness, revenue generation, and sustainability lie in – emerge directly from intangible (non-physical) assets, which brand is a ‘mission essential’ contributor.

I describe brands as a culmination of effort by business leaders, management teams, and specialists to develop, introduce, and converge complimentary combinations of intangible assets, e.g., narratives, visuals, and (product-service) qualities, and operating culture, etc., attractively, in the right way, at the right time, at the right cost.

Brands and branding contribute to (business) competitiveness, valuation, revenue generation capabilities, resilience, and sustainability. In this regard…

  • brand isa concept, and perception communicated – marketed about a company, business, and/or institutions products, services, and operating culture, etc., which endeavors to distinguish it from competitors.
  • branding is a process, to create – disseminate a distinct and favorable identity (to/for a company, product, and/or service) via names, qualities, missions, and personalities conveyed via messaging, logos, visuals, and audio, etc., to targeted audiences and consumers.

 Safeguarding brands are (fiduciary) obligations which prudently include, among other things, monitoring + mitigating arrays of ‘reputational risks’ which nefariously materialize @ others will and timing, @ keystroke speed and cascade throughout a brand’s value chain.

Well-defined + honed business operating cultures are often overlooked contributors – underliers to a brand, insofar being distinguishable, reliable, and measurable elements to brand attractivity and competitiveness. Astute – genuine displays of a business’s operating culture can speak volumes favorable to most any brand.

Reference to operating culture is relevant here insofar as conveying same is desirable, collaborative, and embedded with competitive demeanors, attitudes, and capabilities to reliably deliver a specific service, product, and expertise.

Today, brands are frequently conceived – conveyed as featured components to a business’s early-stage development. In other words, branding and brand seldom wait to emerge – exhibit overtime.

When multiple brands are in play under a single business domain, assessing whether, why, how, when, where, and which brand may warrant more less safeguards and risk mitigation, is good-better-best determined by…

  • gauging a brand’s vulnerability-attractivity, probability, and criticality to various types of risks which may materialize + the cost – duration of the subsequent and various adversities that will emerge to affect the brand holder.

Every branding process will benefit by seeking operational familiarity with all business things intangible. This includes, among other things, the ability to

  • describe (define, differentiate, distinguish, and designate) particular – types, categories, and applications of intangible assets relied – applied in the branding process.
  • recognize same as (potentially) sustainable – measurable contributors to brand competitiveness, valuation, and revenue generation, ala their ‘mission essentiality.’

As an intangible asset strategist, it’s still routine (unfortunately) to find many business’s brand management practices align with conventional (hard stop) definitions associated with accountancy standards and/or IP law precedents.

While both are respected, some aspects of each are often out-of-sync with today’s business economics and operability which wholly depend – rely on all business things intangible which are often proprietarily developed and held.

Too, today’s intentional and often sophomoric acts of misinformation and reputation risk can be executed at will and cascade @ keystroke speeds throughout a business’s brand valuation chain, producing costly, momentum stifling, time consuming, and frequently, irreparable harms.

Brands and branding are distinguishable, measurable, and valuable intangible business assets. Brands are obliged to be safeguarded.

As a business intangible asset strategist, risk mitigator, and founder of ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog’, I am obliged to draw attention to issues related to business things intangible, e.g., advancements, risks, safeguards, strategies, operational familiarity, etc., that is experientially reliable, but absent ‘shrill, hurried, imprudent, or brash dramatics.’

Each post @ Business Intangible Asset Blog, is developed, researched, written, and published entirely @ the experienced hand of Michael D. Moberly.

The ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog’ originated in 2006 and now includes 1100+ long form (topic specific) posts intended to respectfully provide readers, ala business leaders, management teams, boards, and investors (nationally – internationally) with reliable insights and perspectives about the intangible asset-side of business development, economics, valuation, competitiveness, operability, resilience, and sustainability.


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