Michael D. Moberly, Principal, Founder, kpstrat
When business leaders, entrepreneurs, and investors (similarly, comparably) assess the…
- attractivity, probable value-adds, revenue generation capacity, competitive advantages, and sustainability, ala ROI’s.
- for an acquisition, merger, licensing, and/or investment in – of another business, an R&D initiative, or a proposed transaction, etc.
A question proposed here is…how or does that assessment factor – frame the transaction outcomes’ dependence – reliance on tangible (physical) assets relative to intangible (non-physical) assets?
For readers, this distinction is obliged to not be characterized as a mere ‘theoretical construct intended to split hairs’…
Experientially, if a transactions’ assessment process presumes the desired outcome (near term) is more reliant – dependent on the portability, compatibility, integration of tangible (physical) assets, its likely…
- the parties may be inclined to defer to – be aligned with convention and past practice, ala this is the way it’s always been done.
Conversely (but, also experientially) if a transactions’ assessment process reveals a desired outcome is more reliant – dependent on the integration, conversion, and exploitation of targeted intangible (non-physical) assets, i.e., various forms, contexts, and applications of intellectual, structural, and relationship capital…
- the parties may sense obligations of acquire operational familiarity with and ‘stress test’ the sustainability of the sought-after intangibles.
Respectfully, transaction influencers – advocates are (fiduciarily) obliged to recognize ‘differentiators’ to realizing projected – aspired outcomes vis-à-vis dependence – reliance on tangibles or intangibles which are necessarily in play.
Perspectives held about the assets in play, routinely translate (perceptually, operationally) as (a.) strategies upon which to engage a transaction from the outset, and (b.) frame perspectives about what constitute necessary preludes to (c.) strategies to achieve – preserve a preferred outcome,
- whether it be for purposes of business expansion and/or distribution, ROI, brand expansion, competitive advantage, revenue generation capacity, or scale, etc.
Respectfully, the ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog’ embody positions on these mission essential matters…