Reputation Risk to Businesses: Planting Seeds for Mitigation…

Michael D. Moberly, Principal, Founder kpstrat and ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog

The generally adverse products – outcomes of materialized reputation risk, preferably are short-lived, or come with minimal – residual effects. But, too, reputation risks may influence long lasting and variously irreversible effects and offer few on-ramps that can lead to ‘middle ground cease fires’ in the near term.

Risk to a business – institutions reputation, and the mitigation of same is (good-better-best) framed when materialization is differentiated – factored relative to…

  1. causes, origins, sources, platforms, motives, timing, and circumstance, e.g., when, what, where, and how materialization can-may occur
  2. vulnerability, probability, criticality, resilience, and defensibility of particular (targeted) intangible assets, i.e., credibility of brand, product, service, and/or mission.

Conventional reputation risk mitigation, i.e., procedures, safeguards, and deterrents, etc., are (more) likely to falter, or wholly fail, absent recognition by leaders, management teams, boards, and investors, etc., that today, and for the foreseeable future, that 70+% of most businesses – institutions reputation…

  • valuation, competitiveness, revenue generation capability-capacity, resilience, and sustainability irrespective of sector, size, stage, or location,
  • emerge from – lie in particular-sets of intangible-non-physical assets, i.e., various forms, contexts, and applications of intellectual, structural, and relationship capital (primarily) and their convergence as operating culture.

Readers recognize that how business – institution leaders’ message business things intangible, can be interpreted by competitive, economic, and/or ideological challengers as stimuli to…

  • broadcast (weaponized) doubts (criticisms, castigations) to targeted – global audiences @ keystroke speed, while expecting few, if any consequences for doing so.

The momentum – reputation stifling + undermining costs and time associated with the materialization of targeted reputation risks is seldom or readily recoupable.

Accordingly, I do not support (conventional) perspectives that risks to (business – institution) reputation and/or brand are not operational risks.

Instead, I encourage (fiduciary) obligations to recognize that businesses – institutions, across sectors, are increasingly + irreversibly intangible asset intensive, dependent, and reliant

  • with same variously embedded in every competitive mission, operation, project, initiative, and/or transaction which I am familiar.

In this regard, business – institutions ‘mission essential’ intangible assets are obliged to not be compartmentalized to accommodate conventions largely born when tangible-physical assets were dominant.

Instead, we are obliged to recognize that business – institutions ‘mission essential’ intangible assets are likely to be the primary point of contact – target insofar as reputation risk attacks.

More on this topic to come…

The ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog’ is experientially researched, written, and produced by Michael D. Moberly (since 2006 – over 1000 long form posts) to provide readers (business leaders, management teams, boards, and investors) with reliable perspectives and nuanced insights to distinguish, value, and safeguard particular-business things intangible designated as mission essential. 

Readers of this, and other posts, @ Business Intangible Asset Blog’ are-encouraged to offer comments.


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