Michael D. Moberly January 25, 2016 ‘A business blog where attention span really matters’!
I consider myself an IA (intangible asset) strategist and risk specialist. As such, the impact of introducing a new programmatic – listener relationship initiative to a public radio station can be gauged (economically, competitively, etc.) by a process, which I call ‘IA mapping’.
Forward looking-thinking public radio leadership who have acquired an operational familiarity with IA’s are likely to be already engaged in the fundamentals of IA mapping. That is, they recognize there are two equal levels of programmatic ‘first responders’, which in most instances, run parallel to – are complimentary to one another, for example
- generalist and specialist reporters, their producers, and (in house) on-air deliverers that contextualize, articulate, and deliver issues of the day as they arise.
- external relationship builders who transform ‘issues of the day’ into distinctive (personalized) venues that engage a station’s ‘communities of listeners’.
It is these ‘first responders’ who will likely recognize and distinguish the IA’s, i.e., intellectual, structural, relationship, and competitive capital, etc., that should be drawn upon to optimize ‘issues of the day’ for the station’s ‘communities of listeners’ through the various communication platforms which are available.
With regularity, IA’s have become the centerpiece to organizations’ value proposition, which again, manifest through ‘IA mapping’, e.g.,
- inventories of an organization’s IA’s that…
- reveal when, where, and how intangibles originate, develop and attach to particular initiatives internally.
- whose presence and status sustains for the duration of their life-value functionality cycle.
- provide timely awareness about any changes in and/or risks to asset materiality, contributory role-value, and impact.
- statements of deliverable ‘value adds’ (benefits) that public radio’s communities of listeners, contributors, and sponsors can expect, will experience, and will use.
- strategies to distinguish, assess, and monitor a public radio station’s IA’s that are in play and applied to particular initiatives, alliances, and other journalistic undertakings intended to impact ‘communities of listeners’.
- reaches substantially farther than conventional snap-shot-in-time confirmations that a particular IA is present, in development, or being applied.
- a conduit to facilitate the rapid movement of IA deliverables to impacting communities of listeners, i.e., specific benefits and returns that respectfully address an unmet or perhaps not fully realized need.
- a timely method to channel where, how, and when IA resources should be directed to reflect how issues of the day are articulated and delivered as they arise.
IA mapping is also meaningful way for IA intensive and dependent organizations like public radio, to sustain their strategically competitive position, e.g., by recognizing…
- which type – category of IA should be acquired, developed, and
- when, where, and how to resource, bundle, and utilize IA inputs with the necessary intellectual, structural, relationship, and competitive/creative capital.
- the necessity to monitor IA materiality cycle, contributory role, value, and risk, and
- the importance of mitigating probabilities that IA’s will become vulnerable-attractive to adverse and frequently irreversible cascading effects associated with asset theft, misappropriation, reputation risk and/or contesting asset origin and ownership.
Mr. Moberly is an intangible asset strategist and risk specialist and author of ‘Safeguarding Intangible Assets’ published by Elsevier in 2014, [email protected] View Mr. Moberly’s videos on YouTube at ‘safeguarding intangible assets’ or his CNN and CNBC videos at his webpage https://kpstrat.com