Prioritizing Public Radio’s Intangible Assets

Michael D. Moberly   January 28, 2016   ‘A business blog where attention span really matters’!

National Public Radio (NPR) is a privately and publicly funded non-profit membership media organization that serves as a national syndicator to a network of 900 public radio stations in the United States.

NPR produces and distributes news and various cultural programming, however, individual public radio stations are not required to broadcast all NPR programs, instead most broadcast a mixture of NPR programs and content from other providers, i.e., American Public Media, Public Radio International, and Public Radio Exchange, as well as locally (station specific) programs.

There numerous qualities My experience in identifying and prioritizing most organization’s IA’s (intangible assets) commences with assessing the assets’ strategic relevance to mission, i.e.,

  • the sustainability – longevity of the asset’s contribution to an organization’s overall value and/or to a particular project or initiative.
  • their consistency insofar as sources of revenue and competitiveness, and
  • their defensibility.

There is an important caveat to this process however, at least through my lens. That is to ensure IA prioritization is not portrayed in a subjective (high, medium, low) continuum context or range estimates, ala Antique Road Show. Instead, asset prioritization should include clear and objective demonstration of their collective, collaborative, competitive, and/or individual contributory role(s) and value.

IA’s, of course, materialize in various ways. For example, relationship capital (an IA) that a public radio station and its staff forge with their communities of listener’s and stakeholders, holds substantial value and frequently triggers new initiatives, projects, and/or programming which in turn deliver multi-layered competitive advantages, i.e., attractive platforms for articulating – communicating issues of the day to all corners of a station’s community of listeners and stakeholders. As it is for any journalistic – news gathering – reporting enterprise, relationship capital is an essential, highly prized, and very valuable IA which embodies, in this instance, a public radio station’s brand.

I am confident public radio leadership appreciate – recognize (station) value, competitiveness, and impact to their respective communities of listeners. These are frequently attributable to prudent ‘envelope pushing’ initiatives, be it through exceptional personnel, new programming, or schedule modifications integrated-enhanced through community outreach, social media, podcasts, an informative website, and a receptively engaging staff. Each serve public radio as legitimate and effective leverage points to…

  • attract capable and creative-innovative intellectual capital (staff).
  • operate an organization with an appealing-gratifying work culture and ethic.
  • deliver substantive content about issues of the day to its communities of listeners, readers, contributors, and sponsors, and
  • strengthen, expand, and ‘bank’ relationship capital.

It is indeed indisputable economic fact that IA’s play increasingly significant roles in organizations, ala 80+% of their value and sources of revenue, etc., lie in – emerge directly from IA’s. So, again, I encourage IA prioritization unravel IA’s relative to their individual and/or collaborative and ‘contributory role-value’, e.g., to a particular project or initiative, a station’s mission and its competitive advantages.

Mr. Moberly is an intangible asset strategist and risk specialist and author of ‘Safeguarding Intangible Assets’ published by Elsevier in 2014, [email protected] View Mr. Moberly’s videos on YouTube at ‘safeguarding intangible assets’ or his CNN and CNBC videos at his webpage


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