Personality of Business’s Operating Culture…

Michael D. Moberly is a Business Intangible Asset Strategist, Risk Mitigator, and Founder – Principal of kpstrat and ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog

The term ‘personality’ is intriguing when considered as a descriptor of a business’s brand(s) and/or reputation.

Emerging from every business – institution which I am familiar are distinguishable ‘personalities’ which preferably converge in various-ways, often as business things intangible, e.g., a brand or trademarked logothat differentiates the manner and/or content which their particular-products and services, etc., are perceived, and delivered (duh).

Its’ also obvious that particular-business’ online experience (business things intangible) for consumers, along with social media presence convey particular-personalities (duh).

We are-obliged to recognize a business’s online personality – user experience projects certain buyer – consumer, and perhaps-generational, relevance and attractivity, e.g.,

  • which + how particular-products or services are-offered, displayed, described, and made available to consumers, ala ‘the experience’ (duh).

Its’ conceivable that business – brand ‘personality’ represent the intangible asset side of business operation and could supplant conventional perspectives related to brand and brand management which essentially-represent the tangible – physical asset side of business operation.

Business Intangible Asset Blog holds numerous posts which address various aspects + types of risk which can materialize asymmetrically @ keystroke speeds which can cascade to undermine – adversely affect a business’s brands and reputation, because their

  • contributory roles + value adds are frequently (a.) proprietary, (b.) produce-deliver competitive advantage, and (c.) generate revenue as intangible assets.

Today, even early-stage customers – consumers hold familiarity with the significance of personality and the commonality of its meaning that is reflected in our captivation with-by particular-brands which frequently constitute merely a (trademarked) logo affixed to a product or associated with a service.

Businesses and their on-line versions, whose ‘personality + experience’ is-deemed (by visitors – consumers) to be less attractive, or un-attractive, compared to others, may encounter unsatisfactory – unsustainable outcomes.

Respectfully, business leaders, management teams, boards, and investors (similarly) who may be unaccustomed to the ‘intangible asset sides-contributions’ to their business…

  • maybe inclined to assume business – institution personality is primarily relevant to size, sector, revenues, and/or flamboyancy of its products and leaders, which can translate to,
  • overlooking – discounting the simplicity of advantages, benefits, and rationales which favorably influence consumers to seek + buy + return, i.e., the intangible asset side of business operation, e.g.,
  • the various-ways’ a business – institutions’ presence + mission is conveyed, practiced, and embed in operating culture personality and translate as a favorable personality.

Readers can readily observe (business) ‘personality’ emerge – conveyed in venture – investor forums wherein

  • leaders – principals of early-stage, often R&D-dependent businesses, startups, and/or launches vie for prospective investors and investment.

Experientially, each is influenced by various-factors, prominent ones are the intangibles selected for advocating – distinguishing their product, service, and/or mission as good – viable investment, e.g., various forms – contexts of…

  1. intellectual capital: relevant knowledge, know how, and expertise.
  2. structural capital: relevant processes, procedures, methods, and developments are-treated and applied.
  3. relationship capital: alignment with particularassociations, sources, and organizations.

The manner-in-which each is applied knowledgeably, and competitively as worthy personalities for leaders and translate as discernable competitive advantages, near-term revenue generation capabilities-capacities, valuations is always a good thing.

We are reminded that 80+/-% of most business’s valuation, revenue generation capability – capacity, competitiveness, and sustainability today, and for the foreseeable-future, lie in – emerge directly from intangible (non-physical) assets developed + applied in unique and often proprietary ways.

The ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog’ is experientially-researched, written, and produced by Michael D. Moberly, to provide practical insights, and sometimes alternative perspectives to readers, ala business leaders, management teams, boards, stakeholders, and investors, etc., to aid in identifying, distinguishing, assessing, valuing, safeguarding, and lucratively – competitively developing – applying their ‘mission essential’ intangible assets. 

Readers are-encouraged to review and comment on this, and other posts.


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