Mitigating Risks to Business Reputation…

Michael D. Moberly, Principal, Founder kpstrat and ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog – Business Intangible Asset Strategics – Risk Mitigator

This, and future posts that focus on ‘mitigating risks to businesses reputation’, (a.) encourage receptivity to removing those risk takers who are particularly careless and/or self-destructive in language, behavior, and actions, and (b.) recognizing a business’s reputation is comprised of – embedded with intangible (non-physical) assets.

As such, the posts, in this series, are respectfully intended to…

serve as encouragement for discussion – debate among business leaders, management teams, boards, investors, and others (fiduciarily, or otherwise) responsible for oversight, governance, quarterly advancement, risk mitigation, and inquiry.

translate my perspectives to kick-start – re-think good-better-best ways to develop and execute ‘reputation risk’ initiatives, i.e., policies, practices, and responses with distinctive and forward-looking clarity, in advance of business reputation risk materialization, e.g.,

  • define, explain (set an internal course to) execute effective policies, practices, and responses.
  • deter + mitigate vulnerability, probability, criticality to reputation risks.
  • offer insights – strategies for businesses to recoup and recover from same,
    • with brand, standing, valuation, competitiveness, and revenue generation capability-capacity reasonably intact.

These posts (focusing on reputation risk) assert that some of the more costly, damaging, and less recoupable (reputation) risks that surface are variously exacerbated by direct linkage to a particular leader of the business…

  • who, for various reasons, repeatedly expose themselves to, experiment with, and/or engage, in risk, ala behavior, speech, actions, associations, internally or externally, which perhaps inevitably and publicly is revealed, will prompt cascading affects wherein the ‘risk’ assumes ‘a life and duration of its own’, speciously, maliciously, and asymmetrically @ keystroke speeds to undermine – devalue all reputations.

For these reasons, these posts draw attention to the (intangible) ‘fickleness, un-resilient, and in-elastic elements to a business’s reputation.

Thus, these posts legitimately …

  • introduce experientially rooted perspectives I have acquired-developed overtime, as an intangible asset strategist – risk mitigator, which encourage businesses to debate – discuss – integrate same in strategy to render a business’s reputation more resilient and less vulnerable, by
  • incorporating business specific strategies for mitigating vulnerability-probability-criticality of reputational risks relative to the expanding array of adversities (materialized reputation risks) deliver @ the will and timing of others, @ keystroke speeds.

These posts also include defensible rationales and guidance which businesses can reasonably rely-expect relative to sustaining and returning to operational normalcy quicker and with their ‘mission essential’ intangible assets reasonably intact, as a consequence of experiencing reputational risk.

These posts also encourage recognition that business reputation risks can originate internally and be delivered externally, maliciously, and asymmetrically, with motives, by those seeking to establish an economic-competitive advantage, as well as, by

  • ideological adversaries who may be influenced to deliver costly, momentum stifling, and time-consuming adverse effects-outcomes that can indeterminately linger,
  • unless or until effective ameliorations, remedies, and deterrents execute, which I encourage inclusion of receptivity to removing particularly careless risk takers.

These posts are further intended to respectfully – practically aid those responsible for reputation risk oversight and mitigation, to apply these posts as tools to de-clutter the development, application, implementation, and defensibility frequently associated with conventional policy development.

I am developing more posts ‘discussing the intangible asset side of business reputation risk’, they will be available soon @ Business Intangible Asset Blog…

This post, and all others published @ Business Intangible Asset Blog, have been developed, researched, written, and published entirely @ the experienced hand of Michael D. Moberly, not AI.

The ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog’ is experientially researched, written, and produced by Michael D. Moberly (since 2006 – over 1000 long form posts) to provide readers (business leaders, management teams, boards, and investors) with reliable perspectives and nuanced insights to distinguish, value, and safeguard particular – business things intangible designated as mission essential. 


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