Michael D. Moberly, Principal, Founder, kpstrat
The simplistic complexity of mitigating – defending – combatting risk to (business) reputation and brand is variously dependent – reliant on leader – stakeholder – investor receptivity and will to…
- recognize, differentiate, and moderate circumstances (i.e., situations, demeanors, contexts, operating practices, and cultures, etc.) which may variously exist, anyone or all-of-which are,
- readily accessible + interpretable via range of open sources, and which,
- serve universally (irrespective of sector, stature, size, geographic location, products, or services),
- as frequent preludes – motivations – underliers to (the potential)
- emergence + materialization of various forms of risk to business reputation and brand.
No debate, business reputation – brand is routinely and well-intendedly developed, focus-grouped, honed, overseen, and managed (overtime)…
- to emerge as measurably contributing to (business, product, service) attractivity, value, competitive advantage, and sources of revenue generation, etc.,
not all of which should be considered sustainable, however…
- unless – until risks to same, are consistently subject to being reasonably mitigated with expectations of same being reasonably effective.
Leaders – investors are (fiduciarily) obliged to consider effective + sustainable mitigation (of reputation – brand risk) may seldom emerge from conventionally framed one-size-fits-all endeavors…
- which promisingly draw attention to quick (risk) erasures and/or fixes, i.e., re-delivering re-formatted – re-constituted versions of the original as necessary pre-emptive requisites.
Perceptually simple (erase – repair) fixes are conceivably likely to be interpreted (when revealed) as efforts to mask – detract from complex challenges which still may surface – be revealed at some point…
- relative to more likely sustainable endeavors to mitigate (what kpstrat considers) inevitable, persistent, and predatory risks to and defense of reputations and brands.
Assumptions there are ‘quick fixes’ to combatting intertwined arrays of bad acting technologies – harms which can calibrate – direct particular actions to the vulnerable and unprepared, and execute asymmetrically to global audiences – stages, at keystroke speeds, may…
- incline some (business) leaders – investors – stakeholders to narrowly frame risks to reputation and brand, and perhaps be,
- less receptive to including risks to either may be legitimate ‘heads up’, i.e., errors – lapses in process, practice, and/or judgement.
Go deeper on this matter in subsequent – previous posts. Please enjoy.
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