Intangibles Of President Bush’s Legacy…

I do not know, nor is it my business to…learn how, where, or from whom individuals acquire perspectives about George Bush, the 41st President of the United States (1989-1993).

Perhaps, for some, their perspective is merely a reaction to…a ‘kinder, gentler, points-of-life’ period compared to what currently exists.

Most dictionaries define legacy as…a gift that is conveyed from one to another. A legacy is something descendible, and I might add, discernable, which one (a people, a society) comes into possession from a predecessor.

For GHWB, not unlike other presidents before or after…there are pundits aplenty who willingly express their versions of his legacy. Articulating a legacy is akin to writing an obituary for a parent. One can legitimately assume, if the survivors are leading genuinely happy and loving lives, the deceased parents played some contributory role, hence, a legacy, which anyone should assume pride.

I claim no habit of reading obituaries…I am inclined though, to assess obituaries I do read as either…

  • this is little more than a template, couldn’t someone who actually-knew this person added at least a few personal sentences or anecdotes, or
  • gee, this obituary inspires me to wish I had made this person’s acquaintance.

Interestingly, in this political system…often commencing 12 -18 months prior to the end of a president’s term, there is much speculation about presidential legacy, but it’s phrased as a question, i.e., ‘what does this president want their legacy to be’?

The groundwork for defining a president’s legacy, i.e., ‘writing the first draft’…is often composed by media as Phillip Graham, former Publisher, Washington Post, is said to have described it.

I fear Bush 41’s legacy may align more with today’s context of ‘identity politics’ and less with reality politics.

Michael D. Moberly December 5, 2018  St. Louis [email protected] ‘The Intangible Asset Blog’ since May 2006 ‘where one’s attention span, intangible assets, and solutions converge’

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