How to favorably influence the a B2B buyers’ journey by incorporating – emphasizing intangibles…
There are numerous worthy quotes attributed to Dr. Albert Einstein…the following one appears most relevant to current B2B marketing and sales…
- “if I had an hour to solve a problem I would spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions”!
B2B is a jargonized phrase that initially emerged between 1990-1995…according to Tenfold – B2B Marketing. Since, the phrase has fully merged to business lexicon and remains so today. In its formal context, B2B translates as ‘business to business’ (marketing, sales, etc.) transactions generally conducted online. Generally, B2B commerce-transactions represent activities whereby products and services are exchanged (primarily) between established businesses, rather than between a business and individual consumers.
Of course, this binary definition has become variously expanded, even blurred somewhat…relative to the substantial successes achieved by companies, ala Amazon, etc., which appear receptive to any entity, be it an individual customer or company in which to sell products.
Of course, depending on the nature and size of the B2B’s involved...and the durable nature of the goods (products and/or services) sought, buy-sell transactions are typically engaged -entered-into as long-term relationships and often represent a significant, if not the primary source of income for the seller, due, in no small part to the necessity to seek – achieve brand loyalty between prospective buyers and the B2B arrangements-transactions each pursues and have engaged.
Who are today’s prospective B2B buyers…a significant reality that warrants mention is actual and prospective B2B buyers today are younger, perhaps millennial generation and beyond. Respectfully, there is expanding millennial (generation) influence in B2B buy – don’t’ buy decisions.
This suggests, B2B’s are obliged to make relevant adjustments to their sales-marketing initiatives…to accommodate the millennial (product-service) researcher, influencer, and potential buyer. Those horizonal B2B’s that opt to make such adjustments in their content and process, are also urged to not treat same as a opportunities to wholly disregard past practices because some may still have relevance to a prospective B2B players and their buying journey and desired experience along the way.
A Pew Research Center study did find, not surprisingly…that millennials are the single biggest generation cluster in the American workforce today and are being elevated to positions of influence regarding B2B purchases.
Nearly half of all B2B prospective buyers who conduct ‘buy’ research (ala B2B), are millennials…however, over the past two years, there has been a dramatic shift in the B2B researcher demographic. In 2012 for example, there was a relatively even mix across age groups. In 2014, however, 18- to 34-year-olds accounted for almost half of all B2B buyer researchers, an increase of 70%.
Conventional B2B’s…have experienced significant increases in resources in recent years. Traditionally, B2B marketing and sales have focused much of their time-effort to coordination, i.e., with (a.) prospective buyers, (b.) demonstrations of their product and/or service to prospective buyers, who presumably have conveyed interest in the form of ‘click on’.
In these instances, a B2B demo will be followed…by a well orchestrated – choreographed initiative designed to engage a prospective buyer, ala B2B participant. A primary intent for doing this, when – where relevant, is not merely to make a single sale, rather create sufficient relationship capital for long-term, perhaps exclusive or permanent supply-sales agreements.
With more regularity, prospective buyers conduct – engage in a bid process with a B2B…for a sought-after product or service. In some instances, such bid practices are requisite to any buy decision. Too, such bid processes are generally presumed to serve as-a-means to identify and distinguish the best possible offer, especially when there are multiple sellers – suppliers of products-services whose functionality and/or features are comparable.
B2B operations are very competitive, and their business model may…
- necessitate buyers purchase relatively high(er) volumes of products and/or services, and,
- involve merchandising specialized and/or horizonal products or services which at the time of need – buying decision, exist few other places, i.e., there are few competitors.
An obviously necessary objective for B2B’s is to consistently endeavor to positively elevate the buyer-customer experience…for which there are numerous strategies for accomplishing this. Three such strategies include…
- producing relevant, forward looking, and ‘how to and why’ content in websites, white papers, and blogs, etc.
It is prudent for B2B’s to consider all content related to a B2B prospective buyer experience…to reflect – accommodate the totality of their needs and expectations. As business enterprises, B2B’s, should ensure their practices maximize efficient, effective, as well as, at will – spontaneous engagements with prospective buyers, irrespective of how, or the platform, it may be initiated.
Some experts are now suggesting B2B’s that function exclusively in remote mode…insofar as their interactions with prospective buyers, are unlikely to overtake the more conventional B2B practices. This may be an especially relevant prognostication when prospective buyer’s need, research, and buy process (decisions) remain sequentially intact, and, when prospective buyers favor voice support services. However, interacting remotely or through virtual assistants is known to be a preferred method when acquiring certain products, i.e., services, computer software, and IT (tech) support, etc.
B2B sales-marketing initiatives have generally focused on c-suites and senior-executives…
sustaining this focus will not likely be as effective today as perhaps it has been previously. Why?
- the B2B ecosystem of product – service researchers and buy-don’t buy influencers around the globe, has changed dramatically.
A relevant example of this occurred with Caterpillar in 2016…Cat launched four new videos for their “Built For It” branding campaign. Cat recognized their B2B audience is younger and more fully embedded in the online and digital arena, that, according to Caterpillar Global Marketing Services Manager Renee Richardson.
- One strategy was to make Caterpillar, ala Cat® brand, more human, more approachable, and more relevant to the millennials who were engaged in researching, assessing, and recommending, if not making, buy – don’t buy decisions.
While 64% of existing c-suites have final decision-making authority…it’s also important to recognize that 24% of non-c-suite personnel have (purchase) decision-making authority as well. What’s more, it’s the latter that has the most influence; 81% of non-c-suiters play a (not-insignificant) role and influence in buy – don’t buy decisions.
Clearly then, when-if B2B’s marketing and sales (content) focus only to the highest (c-suite) levels…B2B’s are overlooking the real influences, who now warrant attention and inclusion. Caterpillar experienced this evolution and realized it needed to change, e.g.,
- ‘everything was being done at the c-suite level, but then we learned that new (Caterpillar) engineers coming on board were just going online and placing orders independently’, says Richardson.
Influencing a prospective B2B buyer’s journey in the digital era…to be sure, there are numerous strategies which B2B’s can apply to try to favorably influence the buy – don’t buy decisions of the emerging B2B researcher and prospective buyer. In greater numbers they are millennials who are inclined to engage the product-service assessment process with novel – distinctive preferences with respect to what they’re seeking and how they approach-conduct their online research in advance. At the core, are the various actions prospective buyers’ take insofar as…
- dealing with both conventional and horizonal B2B marketing and sales strategies, and the
- conventional hurdles associated with (a.) digital integration, (b.) content, and (c.) channel mix.
Conventional product-service marketing campaigns (models)…have largely been rendered obsolete relative to the nuanced preferences and tactics exhibited by B2B researchers and buyers. The latter is now empowered with more access to content integrated with relevant data and information, and who, for the most part, understand how to use it effectively and efficiently.
For prospective B2B buyers, learning about a company’s products – services through conventional marketing-sales campaigns…are often not sufficiently integrated or synchronized to provide consistent (product-service) messaging. This influences prospective buyers to conduct their own (independent) research on multiple (10-15+) B2B’s as part of their assessment and eventually leading toward the buy – don’t buy recommendations.
B2B’s are obliged now, to have comprehensive digital integration…so, B2B’s online presence must be designed to acknowledge, accommodate, and reflect the research methodologies and preferences practiced by prospective buyers. B2B’ are well advised then, to respect and endeavor to be as accommodating as possible to prospective buyer’s engagement and decision preferences.
Below are strategically important and prudent steps B2B’s would also be well advised to consider…as relevant ‘starting points’ to achieving a comprehensive digital integration program, according to the Marketing Leadership Council of CEB:
- Document existing marketing campaign architectures and objectively distinguish the more-most effective strategies relative to deliverables and output.
- Recognize that establishing a respectful dialogue with a B2B sales and marketing team is necessary and a prelude to reviewing-assessing product-service marketing practices to recognize what works and what doesn’t.
- Observe and analyze external marketing and sales practices that are (objectively) known to have (at some point) to have functioned effectively as a means for B2B’s to get closer to their (sales) goals and with more consistency.
- Organize, distinguish, and incorporate known ‘best practice’ into marketing and sales initiatives, i.e.recreate B2B’s marketing-sales campaign structure.
- a. refine designated practices for which there is little or no objective evidence of functioning as expected or desired.
- repeat the process until the B2B is consistently reaching its ideal presence and goals.
- Develop specific (how to) guides for implementing B2B sales-marketing campaigns that genuinely encompass and reflect the influences of the digital age B2B buyer’s journey, along with a readily accessible resource center (depositories) were the guides, necessary tools, and other information regarding digital integration.
- The standard for B2B sales-marketing content…purposeful, learned, and focused!
A-number-of B2B marketers have adopted ‘content marketing’…unfortunately, some have done so as if ‘content’ is a fleeting and reversible trend, vs. a permanent and informative preference of buyers.
The former has led some B2B’s to write-insert relatively frivolous content…which is disorganized and largely absent an informative, clear, consistent, and purposed message to prospective buyers.
Reliance on sub-par content, of course…is one factor that breeds other challenges. One of which is, as noted previously, the presence of largely useless information that’s been integrated throughout a B2B’s website, blog, etc.
In these instances, content language has probably not…informed or enlightened prospective buyers with sufficient persuasiveness, about the distinctiveness and ways to differentiate that B2B’s products and/or services nor attract and engage prospective buyers to take the next (affirmative) step in the overall buying journey.
There are often several factors that may contribute to such circumstances…for example, web design, management, and content teams may be overly focused – concerned with the website’s (potential Google) ranking in overall search results.
- Thus, a rationale for including uninformative ‘click bait’ types of language. Doing so often lacks continuity and genuine messaging.
- True, in numerous situations, B2B’s outsource their website, blog, and social media management without providing the vendor with intimately descriptive guides – support with authentic – informative language that conveys – articulates a B2B’s distinctive message regarding its products and/or services.
Obviously, when such adverse circumstances are acknowledged…it is important to execute relevant remedies as quickly as possible. In many instances, this can be achieved by bringing together in-house personnel most familiar with a B2B’s products and services.
The reasons for making the changes to website-blog language of course, are…a prospective buyers’ affirmative engagement, its known, often pivots on the quality and informative nature of the content which, in turn, can influence a prospective buyer at any point in their buy – don’t buy journey.
- Effective – informative content after all, is at the core of nurturing leads and prospective buyers and being positioned to engaging them before the opt out to a competitor.
Genuinely and articulately conveyed content brings clarity to B2B’s products-services areas…and should be designed to attract the interest of a target audience. Content, in this context, means that language should be consistently fresh, relevant, and updated through prudent content review and curation. Helpful to achieving this of course, lies in…
- B2B’s obligation to develop a real time and introspective understanding of prospective buyers and their information-data preferences and requirements.
- doing so allows them to learn about the products-services independently because all content should purposefully align with a B2B’s offerings.
B2B buyers are searching for tech solutions…that reflect today’s go fast, go hard, go global, go black B2B environment where, there is, obviously, at will accessibility to both subscription-fee based and open source (free) information and data from which others can build, perfect, and/or make their buy – don’t buy decision.
- To achieve prospective buyers at will accessibility to information and data they are seeking, should reflect their B2B research preferences, now that’s essential to success.
To be sure, information-data generated by – from B2B marketing-sales teams…can and should be incorporated in companies’ in-bound marketing, i.e., to perfect websites, white papers, and blog posts by integrating relevant (tactically and strategically toned) language.
Too, companies are fiduciarily obliged to have effective SOM (stewardship, oversight, and management) practices in place…not dis-similar to what is required currently insofar as countering and mitigating the persistent and irreversible presence of online (cyber) risks. These risks, as many B2B’s know all-to0-well, when-if materialized, adversely affect a any B2B’s reputation, brand, and image, etc.
- On the other hand, when SOM practices are effectively applied and integrated, they can ensure existing (product, service marketing and sales information, i.e., content and data of import to prospective buyers remain fully accessible.
Indeed, this is one example of the realities and responsibilities associated with the operation of a B2B, i.e., to sustain indeterminate control over information-data outputs and content relative to the highly-evolved nature-practices of B2B buyers globally who, among other things, routinely, and necessarily, engage in targeted online searches-research.
Data points worthy of every B2B’s notice…according to a 2014 research report titled ‘The Digital Evolution in B2B Marketing’ conducted by the Marketing Leadership Council of CEB (now known as Gartner) in partnership with Google…
- prospective B2B buyers are unlikely to actually-engage a sales representative until 57 percent of a prospective buyer’s journey has been completed.
- this finding, standing alone, is obviously relevant and encourages B2B’s to acknowledge same in advance of executing their ‘inbound’ marketing-sales strategy…
- a part of which will also address-incorporate the ‘customer buying experience’, ala journey.
It is equally important for B2B marketers to distinguish, with all of the necessary precision… prospective buyers’ preferences, insofar as when sales representatives should engage. More specifically, as B2B (sales) representatives become more attuned to the optimal time frame(s) for engaging prospective buyers during (a.) their research process, and (b.) respecting their preferences, such actions will lead to opportunities to (c.) better differentiate and distinguish their product-service, and (d.) address specific issues-questions related to its acquisition and operational ready state.
One path to achieving this is for B2B’s to train – empower sales representatives to expand their responsibilities…beyond solely being about making a sale and/or meeting a sales quota. The rationale for doing so is, it should now be obvious, large percentages of prospective buyers’ buy – don’t buy journey, manifests as being well-armed, in advance, with information – data about a product-service, which they have personally gleaned and which will likely be applied to their buy – don’t buy recommendation and/or decision.
Prospective B2B buyer journey’s in the digital age…generally include engaging a sales representative, but only at the 57% mark into their buy – don’t buy journey. This data point should not be overly disconcerting to conventional (marketing – sales) perspectives because, after all, other relevant studies tell us that…
- 31% of the respondents admit they prefer a wholly unassisted B2B purchase, with telephonic assistance (for the buy process) available on a just-in-case basis.
- 10% of prospective B2B buyers claim they want no assistance whatsoever.
- 12%+ say they prefer to be walked through the entire purchasing process.
Perhaps these revelations prompt some ‘marketing and sales teams’ to scratch their respective heads…and begin to wonder, just where in the digital age (B2B) buying journey do – will they ultimately fit. Or, conversely, what changes can be expected in B2B marketing and sales?
- To sew more confusion in this process, one is obliged to recall the ‘Salesforce’s Pardot’ survey conducted in 2013 and titled ‘State of Demand Generation Report’.
- The findings of this report claim that 71%+ of prospective B2B buyers start with a Google search, followed by professional networks at 15+%, and social (media) networks at 2%.
When the above is applied, it can variously influence how, why, and when…B2B’s are now obliged to recognize options – paths that prospective buyers can pursue as part of their buy – don’t buy decision criteria and process. For example, should a company seek CTI (computer telephony integration) solutions that integrates existing telephone systems to CRM (customer resource management)?
- If so, it’s to keep in mind that growing percentages of buyer research associated with buy – don’t buy decisions commence with a series of online searches and research.
- B2B buyers are also inclined to research relevant industry forums to learn what peers and competitors say about the product and/or service being researched.
- In addition to distinguishing – assessing experiences with various vendors in the overall, as well as the targeted market space.
- Prospective buyers will also examine blogs, reviews, and how-to resources to learn about and assess whether a particular-product, service, or system will – can fit the projected requirements.
- This routinely includes seeking clarity regarding a product-service capability to be sufficiently and systematically flexible to reflect buyer’s expectations and needs.
- Too, it is through such increasingly rigorous research that prospective B2B buyers engage in, they will be far better positioned to readily identify the top B2B vendors…
- from which the prospective buyer (researcher) may then invite to conduct a presentation and offer a bid.
- For prospective B2B buyers with the proclivity to conduct higher levels of research in advance, this circumstance can be interpreted as welcoming for B2B’s in terms of presumably producing more sales-ready buyers.
- Given this, B2B’s are obliged to consider how they may favorably influence prospective buyer’s buy decision by ensuring there is consistency and clarity insofar as marketing and differentiating their products and/or services.
Should these the study-survey findings cited above and taken collectively, persist, it could suggest that many B2B’s are destined to begin functioning primarily as ‘order takers’.
Too, should this be a reasonably accurate characterization…it will surely leave fewer opportunities for entrée by B2B marketing – sales representatives vis-a-vis prospective buyers, (a.) relative to their product research journey, and (b.) how that contributes to product – service distinctions and differentiation.
One answer to this question is…prospective buyers can glean a (reasonably) clear understanding about a B2B’s offerings, i.e., it’s products, services, etc., by examining websites, blog posts, and white papers, etc.
So, for B2B sales persons, this reality may make it more – less challenging to…favorably sway prospective buyers once they are in the decisional mode. That is, unless – until a B2B can effectively and persuasively incorporate B2B marketing and sales principles, with (a.) digital integration, (b.) focused content, and (c.) use the same online channels to communicate with prospective buyers.
Research conducted by prospective B2B buyers…there have been numerous studies describing behaviors of prospective B2B buyers. One commonality (among those studies) worthy of emphasizing here is that…
- prospective B2B buyers often commence product-service research, well in advance of seeking a sales person (if they ever do).
- this translates to the content of B2B’s websites and blogs, i.e., they should reflect a persuasively learned roadmap which prospective buyer’s find relevant to their ‘buy journey’.
Not coincidentally, another research report conducted in 2014 by the Acquity Group, a digital marketing firm associated with Accenture, found…the percentage of prospective B2B buyers who engage in online research as a prelude to their buy – don’t buy decision, is 94%.
- This research also found that the top (so-called) go to websites were at the 84% mark, followed closely by 77% of prospective B2B buyers who utilize Google for their initial search for designated products-services.
Other online resources relevant to most B2B buying journeys are…(a.) third party websites (34%), such as independently written blogs and industry websites, and (b.) online user reviews (41%). It is noteworthy that Googles’ Analytics Advocate, Adam Singer, confirmed these findings at a ClickZ Live conference (presentation) in San Francisco where he also stated that, on average, prospective B2B buyers may examine 10+ online resources before reaching out to a sales representative.
B2B searches typically commence generically…studies – surveys find. Those involved in the B2B buying process are already 57% of the way down the path to a buy decision before they may find it necessary to actually perform an action on a company’s website.
- As B2B brands seek new prospective buyers, it becomes increasingly important to understand the perspectives of prospective buyers’ as it evolves throughout their research and the product-service differentiation time frame.
The average number of independent online searches prospective buyers may conduct prior to engaging a B2B sales rep or a specific brand’s website…is 12. But, how they arrive the destination can involve a mix of branded and category searches.
In other words, about 71% of researchers commence with a generic search query…which translates as prospective B2B buyers are seeking relevant information and data regarding the product-service first, versus seeking a specific B2B.
- Based on data acquired from the Customer Journey tool, one recognizes that, for large and medium B2B’s, generic paid services can favorably influence the early stages of a prospective buyers’ path to purchase.
So, what was once thought to be the conventional purchasing methodology built on relationship capital…is now occurring online. This, says Caterpillar’s Global Marketing Services Manager Renee Richardson, i.e.,
- the point of contact with sales comes much later in the process, so B2B’s are obliged to be prepared to present their value story to prospective buyers much earlier and articulate it in a straight-forward manner.
It’s no longer sufficient to just bid on your brand’s terms…assuming that will sufficiently and favorably influence decision making no, decision making is occurring substantially earlier along the purchasing path and journey, often even prior to brand awareness.
Thus, B2B marketing and sales are now obliged, more so than ever before, to…identify precisely where – how they can be relevant to any-every buy – don’t buy equation…
- preferably at the earliest known-projected stage, and perhaps even
- throughout the entire decision making process.
B2B sales-marketing video are now integral to prospective buyer research and their buy – don’t buy decision process…that is, according to studies cited here. Increasing percentages of B2B researchers and prospective buyers will watch video related to their search and do so in not a mere cursory manner.
According to (U.S.) YouTube data...over 895k hours of some of the top B2B videos were watched in 2014. Nearly half of B2B researchers are viewing 30+ minutes of B2B-related video during their research process, and almost one in five watch-over an hour of video content.
Videos that describe product-service features attract the most attention and viewing time…the rationale is, B2B video often is highly useful and, also contribute to extending the (digital, online) conversation. Perhaps most enlightening, when prospective B2B researchers – buyers were asked what they did after watching a B2B video, their responses included (a.) talking with colleagues, (b.) searching for more information, (c.) visiting a brand’s website/store, and/or (d.) sharing the video with relevant others.
It’s fair to suggest then, B2B video is playing more substantive roles…for B2B researchers and prospective buyers. This, of course, translates to B2B’s should be producing (video) content that actually-contributes to researchers and prospective buyers achieving operational familiarity about the targeted product or service for comparative purposes, and further research into a potential B2B purchase under consideration.
B2B success and sustainability…are obviously increasingly important considerations with respect to B2B marketing and sales along with the evolving demographics of a B2B’s audience. B2B buy – don’t buy influencers are likely to be younger than expected.
Therefore, B2B’s are obliged to…
- reach that audience wherever, whenever, and whoever they are, and
- provide that audience with the type – level of content they need – are seeking, and
- for a still significant percentage of B2B’s, this translates to elevating the intensity of the search – research process,
- by, among other things, acknowledging that more B2B research originates from mobile devices, and
- incorporate quality – content rich video that is readily accessible and will collectively contribute to progressing prospective buyers through their specific journey – path to purchase.
- This, according to Kelsey Snyder and Pashmeena Hilal, Account Planners at Google.
Prospective B2B buyers use a mix of channels, the three steps to qualify leads…
Given the mix of digital channels from which prospective B2B buyers can conduct their advance buy – don’t buy research, numerous B2B’s are prudently considering which channels will produce the most qualified leads, i.e., video, blog posts, website content, FAQ’s, social media, whitepapers, archives of reports, and/or studies?
In other words, where – how – what should B2B’s invest to…acquire the most promising, qualified, and ‘buy ready’ leads?
- acquire a clear and objective understanding how the existing combination of marketing and tech materials, i.e., is being perceived – interpreted by prospective B2B buyers.
- acquire – analyze objective analytics to assess each channels’ effectiveness and interpretation by prospective buyers insofar as producing the most qualified leads.
- utilize the findings of the above to organize and assemble a ‘model channel mix’ that generates clear messaging to fit the target market and their research preferences.
It all points to a changing face for B2B marketing…according to a 2014 survey conducted by Google and research company Millward Brown Digital. The millennial generation now comprises 46% of prospective B2B buyers, up from 27% in 2012. By objective standards of analysis, this is indicative of the expanding influence of the millennial generation.
To be sure, the B2B marketplace is experiencing change…no surprise, right? But, the way these circumstances are rapidly evolving, this might serve as a wake-up call of sorts for some B2B brands. That’s because over the previous 24 months, there have been numerous shifts, not just in how B2B buying decisions materialize, but also learning who – what is responsible for those shifts.
In short, if B2B’s are not directing their marketing initiatives to…attract and engage millennial influencers, it would be an exercise in business prudence to evaluate all B2B content and messaging to ensure…
- it favorably addresses – reflects millennial’s preferences for specific online and digital platforms, and
- the content and messaging is meaningful, learned, relevant, and attractive.
Here’s what has changed…as noted above, Google partnered with Millward Brown Digital to find out what changes in the B2B research environment are occurring. Approximately 3,000 B2B researchers were surveyed about their research and purchasing habits as well as their use of digital (specifically, search, mobile, and video). In addition, Google analyzed 13 months of clickstream data from Millward Brown Digital’s desktop panel.
The above study, fielded in 2014, mirrors research from 2012…enabling B2B firms to better recognize – distinguish the various and certain shifts which have occurred over the past 24 months. The findings essentially give less credence to some widely held beliefs and have major implications for B2B marketing and sales strategies.
Mobility of prospective B2B buyers is intensifying insofar as pre-buy research…according to the study, i.e., 42% of B2B researchers use mobile devices to conduct B2B product-service research. The findings also revealed a 91% growth in the use of mobile devices compared to the previous two years insofar as B2B buy – don’t buy journey, and, not just at the initial stages of prospective B2B buyer research.
Thus, B2B marketing and sales strategies that have typically targeted (only, primarily) senior-level executives…are now obliged to recognize millennial generation influences which have been made substantially more clear. In fact, millennials now comprise 24%+ of non-executives tasked to contribute to purchasing decisions.
The bottom line, should there be one…prospective B2B buyers today are mobile and exhibit a strong focus on researching the products and/or services. Today’s B2B buyers are multi-channeled, i.e., consistently connected to and researching the internet via mobile phones, tablets, and/or desktops, i.e., mobility. Too, they have proclivity to…
- quickly scan – read, and subjectively assess websites, blogs, reviews, white papers, video, and demos.
- remotely attend – participate in conferences and seminars to learn about sector specific trends, breakthroughs, and innovations.
- simultaneously cover multiple channels, i.e., communication, data-information acquisition platforms and devices which have largely become integrated into their lives, i.e., mobility and connectivity to the internet
According to the earlier cited Google/Millward Brown Digital study…it was estimated that in 2014, 34% of those involved in B2B purchasing research and making recommendations used mobile devices at each stage of those respective processes. Now, that’s a significantly interesting change all B2B’s should take note!
Michael D. Moberly November 20, 2018 St. Louis [email protected] ‘The Business Intangible Asset Blog’ since May 2006 ‘where attention span, business realities, and solutions converge!
Readers are invited to examine other blog posts, papers, videos, and books I have published at
Note: Alan Joseph Arellano, Online Marketing Director, Tenfold (January 8, 2018) forwarded research-studies cited in this post which I studied and interpreted for application to this blog post.