New Business Launch Intangible Assets: Keeping Genies In The Bottle…

 Michael D. Moberly, Principal, Founder kpstrat and ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog – Business Intangible Asset Strategies and Risk Mitigator

Recognizing + safeguarding + mitigating risk to ‘new business ideas’ and the underlying the (proprietary) knowhow, ala when, where, how, and why to apply the right form (context, application) of intellectual, structural, and relationship capital, @ the right time, in the right way, and at the right cost, is indispensable to attracting investment.

In today’s hyper-competitive, predatorial, and global business development – transaction environments, a seldom recoupable or do-over ingredient to a successful new business launch is…

  • arriving at the best fit – best practice for sustaining control, use, ownership, value, competitiveness, and revenue generation capability – capacity of the often proprietarily developed intangible assets, differentiated as ‘mission essential’.

For those unfamiliar with the (fiduciary) obligations and prudence to safeguard proprietarily developed – held information assets, aside from (a.) updating privacy tools on their mobile devices, and/or (b.) pursuing IP (intellectual property), I wish the following to the following to translate as ‘dashboard imperatives’.

Especially when private investor’s ‘preferred ROI window’ are often in 24 – 36-month increments.

There are other factors which investor + investment capital will assess as attractive, but not necessarily as disqualifiers. But, to disregard, overlook, or underestimate the importance of (a.) sustaining ‘the underlying ideas’ as proprietary, and (b.) ensuring the ideas remain relatively intact and unencumbered by breaches, challenges, or risks.

The above translates (experientially) as measurable + desirable indicators (to prospective investors and capital) there is good leadership and management at the helm, which should never be underrated.

Research on the outcomes of private investment in new business launches, notes that 50+% do not come to fruition as either hoped or projected. This finding (reality) should not necessarily be interpreted as private investors’ losing their investment. Rather, they will likely recoup their investment, but may not receive the ROI as they projected.

Doing what is obligatory on the front end, by the leadership – management of new business launches, i.e., differentiating + ensuring the ‘mission essential’ intangible assets remain intact and unencumbered, thus being…

  • retaining the option – being positioned to leverage (sell, collaborate, license, barter, transfer, etc.) those ‘mission essential’ intangible assets, in
  • different ways – different types of transactions if-when a ‘launch’ does not materialize as planned.

Importantly then, developers – holders of a new business launch’s ‘mission essential’ intangible assets are less likely to walk away empty handed and depleted of (potentially desirable – valuable, and saleable – transferable) assets. That’s a good thing!

Readers of Mr. Moberly’s – kpstrat’s ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog’ are encouraged to review and comment on other posts wherein arrays of issues related to business things intangible are experientially researched and authentically and practically expressed.

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