Intangible Assets Held By Twitter, Tesla, and Musk…

Michael D. Moberly, Principal, Founder kpstrat and ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog

This post offers – describes a uniquely current perspective for and about Elon Musk, Twitter, and Tesla which variously appear to still hold Musk’s interest, wherein…

  • Twitter, Tesla, and Musk himself, are business entities, which we are obliged to recognize, are intangible asset intensive, dependent, and reliant.

I am a business intangible asset advocate, strategist, and risk mitigator. My work reaches across sectors and transactions, irrespective size, stage, sales, standing, reputation, valuation, products-services, location, or players. 

Readers are respectfully reminded that today, and for the foreseeable future, as much as 80+% of most business’s valuation, competitiveness, revenue generation, brand, and reputation, etc., lie in – emerge directly from intangible (non-physical) assets.

Routinely, particular-intangible assets a business, its leaders, management teams develop – hold and introduce, are obliged to be differentiated as ‘mission essential’.

They economically, operationally, and beneficially materialize – apply in various forms, types, contexts, and applications of…

  • intellectual capital (knowledge-knowhow),
  • structural capital (processes, procedures), and
  • relationship capital (associations), which preferably and universally can,
    • converge as lucrative, competitive, sustainable, and revenue generating (business) operating cultures.

The ‘Goldwater Rule’, and full disclosure, oblige me to affirm that I am neither a psychologist nor psychiatrist, ala Musk and various adversities currently experienced at Twitter, and/or Tesla, that is…

  • I do not own a Tesla automobile, nor do I anticipate ownership of same in the future.
  • I have not used Twitter for years, and, to my knowledge, I hold no stock in Twitter or Tesla.
  • I have no (known) connectivity to Elon Musk, ala there is no indication he has read any of my (1000+) blog posts, sector specific papers-booklets, or books regarding business things intangible.

However, I do read, study, and write-a-lot about what I see, and think about, most-all-of-which are framed via my experiences in business intangible asset advocacy, strategy, safeguards, and risk mitigation.

Musk, Twitter, and Tesla, in my view, and growing numbers of ‘competing-for-click comparables’, exhibit, little economic – operational awareness of, or concern for how they,

  1. unceremoniously describe – communicate intangibles imprudently, will and can,
  2. adversely affect their own businesses value chain, often @ keystroke speed, and
  3. solidify – advance adverse images of their business’s products-services, attractivity to investment, brand, reputation, valuation, competitiveness, sustainability, and revenue generation capability.

Every business which I am familiar, is (increasingly and irreversibly) intangible asset intensive, dependent, and reliant on…

  • leaders and management teams to (proprietarily) develop, introduce, and hold indeterminately, particular and ‘mission essential’ intangible assets, e.g., the right ones being introduced at the right time, in the right way, at the right cost.

What I see being exhibited by Musk, et al, to Twitter, and Tesla, exceeds mere befuddlement, rather some form of unnecessary and imprudent form of (personal) amusement that is detrimental to ranges of beneficial – prudent outcomes which I encourage, advise, advocate, and guide.

Most investors hope and perhaps, variously trust, that Musk’s utterances, especially those which adversely affect business things intangible, are rational, ethical, and will eventually produce admirable, additional, and sustainable value…

  • without unnecessarily disrupting, undermining, and/or otherwise devaluing ‘mission essentials’ indeterminately.

Am I not seeing something with respect to Musk, Twitter, or Tesla? Am I missing something which is clear to others, but evades me?  Are there methods or processes strategically at workin play here, which have yet to surface or be publicly reasoned. Quite possibly, but I am increasingly doubtful, impatient, and disappointed that any business leader, whether once the ‘world’s wealthiest person, or not, may ‘treat’ a business in such a cavalier manner.

There are billions of dollars of ‘mission essential’ intangible assets which have already been undermined, devalued, laid off, and in near irretrievable and un-recoupable disarray @ Twitter and Tesla. Not your ‘daddy’s Tesla’, is it?

I enjoy the good-better-best practice of reliable, sustainable, transaction-able, and investable truths, as an advocatestrategist to-for business things intangible. Otherwise, I encourage engaging risk mitigation modes along with aggressive intangible asset specific due diligence, firmly grounded in pre-post, near term, and strategic contexts.

When the blustery smoke clears and the paint dries, (if it ever does) business valuation, competitiveness, strategy, know how, and leader legacy, etc., are, and will increasingly be about the various types, categories, contexts, and applications of intangible assets which its leaders, management teams, and boards are obliged to consistently exhibit, advocate, and execute, because, doing this will…

  • uniquely embed in, advance, and sustain a business operating culture and brand.
  • influence (business, product, service, and reputation) valuation, competitive advantage, and revenue generation potential.

The ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog’ is experientially researched, written, and produced by Michael D. Moberly (since 2006 – over 1000 long form posts) to provide readers (business leaders, management teams, boards, and investors) with reliable perspectives and nuanced insights to distinguish, value, and safeguard particular – business things intangible designated as mission essential. 


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