Intangible Asset Training Offered By kpstrat…

kpstrat’s intangible asset training provides relevant – timely rationale and strategies for company leadership and management teams to…

1. Identify, safeguard, monitor, and preserve the various contributory roles, development, and value of key intangible assets routinely embedded in company operations, initiatives, and transactions…

2. Achieve proficiency at aligning a company’s practices, operations, initiatives, and transactions with diverse global environments replete with persistent and sophisticated risks in which assessment, management, pre-post transaction due diligence, and value sustaining strategies are essential to achieving projected outcomes…

3. Design and put in place relevant policies and practices to:

• foster a companywide culture that recognizes – respects the value of critical (core) intangible assets relative to           their proper handling, protection, preservation and monitoring in business transactions…

• elevate awareness, alertness, and accountability for identifying and communicating significant risks (related to intangible assets, IP, and proprietary competitive advantages, etc.) in business transactions before irreversible ‘economic hemorrhaging’ can occur…

4. Extract and/or leverage more value, competitive advantage, and revenue generation from intangible assets in business transactions…

kpstrat’s intangible asset operational familiarity training for businesses stands apart from others because it knowledgably and experientially…

• Focuses squarely on the growing global universality of…

o the economic fact that 80+% of most company’s value, sources of revenue, competitiveness, and sustainability lie in – evolve from intangible assets.

o assessing, acting on, and reporting the value, materiality, and performance of business’s intangible assets.

• Does not require (training) participants-beneficiaries to step outside their professional domains of expertise…

o rather each module is designed to add current, relevant, practical, and managerial level multipliers to                 participants existing skill sets and competencies.

• Exceeds conventional (intangible asset) training by…

    o recognizing, distinguishing, and factoring business’s operational nuances.
    o that reach across people, technology, risk, and financials.
    o in a holistic manner, not merely through obligatory, one-size-fits-all, checklists past practices.

• Treats the control, use, and ownership…of intangible assets as (a.) business, (b.) asset preservation decisions, and (c.) fiduciary responsibilities which compliment legal and accounting rules and standards.

• Demonstrates strategies for enabling – facilitating…more secure, lucrative, and sustainable transactions, collaborations, and alliances where ever, whenever, however, and why ever intangible assets are in play.

• Describes techniques to mitigate…current and emerging risks to a business’s intangible assets and the various transactions-initiatives a business may engage-undertake with their key intangibles in play, i.e., risk materialization can…

    o adversely affect – erode intangible asset contributory role and value.
    o undermine their competitive advantages.
    o create time consuming distractions and/or disrupt transaction momentum.
    o ensnare – entangle intangibles in costly legal disputes and/or challenges.

• Reduces uncertainty and adds predictability…to company initiatives and transactions by…

    o incorporating the necessity to monitor asset value, stability, fragility, and defensibility.
    o elevating probability for achieving projected returns, competitive-market/sector position, and creating                           synergies/efficiencies…

• Enhances new (product-service) market entry – strategic planning…by rapidly and efficiently identifying key revenue – competitive advantage producing intangible assets.

• Reduces the vulnerability (probability, criticality) that intangible assets will become…entangled and/or ensnared in costly and time-consuming legal challenges that (a.) impede (transaction, operation) momentum, and/or (b.) erode – undermine asset value, competitiveness, performance…

• Contributes to building an…intangible asset alert business operating culture that distinguishes, assesses, and acts on any measurable fluctuations in key asset’s contributory role to (business) value, competitiveness, revenue generation, sustainability, and reputation, etc.

• Provides a practical foundation for…aligning organizational resilience, aka continuity -contingency planning, to include intangible assets’ contributory roles to business value, competitiveness, revenue generation, and sustainability.

• Recognizes that the life, value, functionality, and materiality cycles…of particular-intangible assets fluctuate when certain (irreversible) risks materialize to adversely affect…

   o business – personnel reputation.
   o product-service functionality.
   o projected innovation.
   o new product-service launches.

• Recognizes that conventional intellectual properties…i.e., patents particularly, standing alone do not provide transaction predictability, nor serve as deterrents or safe harbors to global and highly predatorial infringement and/or misappropriation of key intangible assets, i.e., intellectual, structural, and relationship capital.

Michael D. Moberly November 19, 2018 St. Louis [email protected] ‘The Business Intangible Asset Blog’ since May 2006 ‘where attention span, business realities, and solutions converge!

Readers are invited to examine other blog posts, papers, and books I have published at


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