Intangible Asset Strategist…

Michael D. Moberly, Intangible Asset Strategist & Risk Specialist

A business blog where attention span + reflection matter…

There are many excellent IA (intangible asset) strategists + practitioners globally. Over-the-course, of my 25+ years of experience with business things intangible, I have had the good fortune + good sense to interact with many.

Respectfully, I have found that a not-insignificant percentage of IA practitioners are, understandably, inclined to characterize – draw attention to their ‘client work and business marketing messaging’ on the (more obvious, near term) lucrative outcomes to IA commercialization, monetization, and possibly licensing, etc.

My experience suggests, a go fast, go hard, go global focus on ‘near term’ IA monetization and/or commercialization may overlook or be dismissive of relevant due diligence related to the (a.) acquisition, (b.) development, (c.) acculturation, (d.) application of safeguards, (e.) sustainability, (f.) risk mitigation. and (g.) defensibility of business things intangible and their strategic production of value, competitive advantage, brand, and sources of revenue, etc.

So, an ‘elephant in the room’ differentiator insofar as IA strategic planning + execution lies with how business things intangibles are treated. That is, it has become an absolute necessity, in today’s increasingly aggressive, predatorial, ‘winner-take-all’ and globally intertwined R&D, innovation, brand, and business transaction environment, that the various contributory roles, value, sources of revenue, foundations for growth, and competitive advantages which many IA’s are capable of producing + delivering, be preserved and safeguarded throughout the assets’ respective (contributory) value + functionality (life) cycle.

Preservation of intangible assets in my judgement, translates as having relevant policies, procedures, and practices in place to monitor + sustain IA ownership, use, materiality, and contributory roles.

The risks associated with indifference to these mission essentialsfor businesses and operations which are IA intensive and dependent, is nearing an inevitability, not mere probability. That is, the capability of mission essential IA’s to deliver economic and competitive advantages (at will) an asset holder – owner should assume they are capable, is likely to irreversibly diminish. More on this subject to come

Note: Each blog post @ ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog’ is influenced by experiential research and wholly written by Michael D. Moberly. It is my intent that each post serve, as a respectful medium to elevate awareness and appreciation for ‘business things intangible’ globally, i.e., in the 137+ countries this blog is read.  As such, my blog posts are not intended to be ‘quick bites’ of unsubstantiated commentary or information piggy-backed to other sources. 

Comments regarding blog post content – perspective are encouraged and respected. Should any reader elect to utilize all or a portion of my posts, attribution is expected and always appreciated.

While visiting my blog readers are encouraged to browse other topics (posts) which may be relevant to their circumstance or business transaction.  I always welcome your inquiry @ [email protected]


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