Disinformation – Misinformation Maliciously Applied Undermines Business’s Most Valuable ‘Intangible’ Assets…

Michael D. Moberly, Principal, Founder, kpstrat

When (if) disinformation and/or misinformation is (maliciously) directed to a business (institution, organization, person, group, etc.) by an adversary (economic, political, ideological), competitor, or dissatisfied consumer, an expectation should be…

  • there will likely be adverse effects (to a person, product, brand, service, etc.) and
  • the foundational – underlying intangible assets to-for each,
  • which the target has devoted effort – resources to developing and is likely now variously dependent – reliant, i.e.,

various forms – contexts – applications of intellectual, structural, and relationship capital (now likely) integrated, applied, and embedded as ‘mission essential’ components to an operating culture.

Today perhaps, more so when purposeful disinformationmisinformation is irresponsibly, unaccountably, and recklessly personalized and weaponized in online (social media) characterizations…

  • some of which may be variously contrived experiences from afar, or
  • materialize (time, place, circumstance) as an initiators’ perspective of reality, and reproduced virally through social media influencers – followers – subscribers, wherein the
  • initiators’ desire (by design, effort, and perhaps solicited – unsolicited guidance of others) their (misinformed – disinformed) and consequentially-laced characterizations attract attention (locally, regionally, nationally),

to the public detriment-risk of the target and whatever (event, circumstance) may have influenced this adversary to engage in this manner.

Readers of this blog recognize this portrayal and the various ways this scenario can, once executed and materialized, can, and likely will disrupt – erode – undermine most business’s competitive advantage value chain, and the intangible assets essential to achieving – sustaining either objective, e.g.,

  1. the capability – capacity of business things intangible to generate revenue that reflect products, services, and employees and reputation-brand (competitive advantage) differentiation of its,
  2. proprietary operating culture (variously marketed) as (a.) distinctive knowledge and knowhow, and (b.) as collaborative combinations of intellectual and relationship capital, (c.) consistently produced – delivered at the right time, right place, and right way, which (d.) translates as proprietary processes and procedures ala structural capital and operating culture.

Risks to businesses via online- social media (misinformed – disinformed) characterizations and messaging, routinely, by reckless intent…

  • underminediscredit a targets’ valuable intangible assets ala advantages (most all-of-which are) developed, held, and exhibited (time, place, circumstance)
  • by a business and its employees for competitiveness, revenue generation, valuation, and sustainability, i.e.,

howwhy – the way things are done, relative to particular – processes-procedures which have been developed, introduced, practiced, and are considered uniquely proprietary, and individually – collectively distinguish a business (services, products, etc.) and its operating culture as good – better – best place to buy and consume.

Admittedly (unfortunately) there are countless ‘business operating cultures’ which are (fiduciarily) obliged, but, for various reasons – rationales convey,

  • dismissiveness to the relevance – ROI to take steps to alter their business operating culture for-the-better.

Today, there are multiple healthcare delivery organizations (in state – federal courts) negotiating – vying for ‘terminal relief’ from their multi-year disastrous operating cultures that among other things…

  • was dismissive (at minimum) of the adverse (addictive) affects and variously encouraged relentless distribution of prescription opioids, beyond any rationale need, despite rational evidence to the contrary.

Unfortunately, once disinformation – misinformation is social-mediatized and if-when ‘message consequence virality’ is achieved…

  • risks to business (institution) targets can emerge and escalate @ keystroke speeds, and
  • cascade throughout a business’s value – competitive advantage chain, i.e., sourcing, marketing, consumption, supply, and distribution,
  • in ways which variously abate rational discourse and/or mediation for resolution (should that be reasonably possible), aside from capitulation.

The latter could lead to further – unrepentant (boisterous) reputational risk and corrosive destruction to a targeted business, ala products, services, brand, etc.,

  • some aspects of which become increasingly costly and time-consuming recoup, should either be potentially – partially receptive to mitigation – recovery,
    • aside from perhaps, a ‘publicly negotiated’ reversal and recovery via social media. Seldom should that be considered-to-be-a good prospect!

Business leaders and management teams who may be professionally, personally, and reputationally persuaded or inclined to characterize the latter (option) as wrong-headed,

  • may be inclined to re-read this post for relevant specifics and share same – this content with colleagues, irrespective of sector, experience, or generation.


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