Design Thinking II – Business’s Intangible Assets…

Michael D. Moberly is a Business Intangible Asset Strategist, Risk Mitigator, and Founder – Principal of kpstrat and ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog

My interest in – attraction to ‘design thinking’ as a process, (as applied by this business intangible asset strategist + risk mitigator) lies with…

  • its relevance to the intangible asset-aspects of business economics, development, competitive advantage, brand, and revenue generation, etc.

Design thinking (broadly speaking) is a process wherein creative problem solving + risk mitigation can converge by, among other things

  • assigning priorities to customer – client – consumer interests, preferences, needs, and criticisms, etc., to avoid repeating and/or mitigating inadvertent challenges and/or risks that may materialize relative to the use-application of particular-products, services, or counsel.

Too. the relevance of ‘design thinking’ is it can favorably influence parties – players to

  1. engage in offering – proposing – explaining potential solutions to challenges, problems, and/or risks by, considering innovative options (not merely tweaks or adjustments), e.g., actual prototypes and/or models.
  2. seek – gather feedback (including criticisms, etc.) from customers-clients-consumers (and other affected parties) and be receptive to consider product-service re-design and/or perhaps re-launch.

As a process ‘design thinking’ is user – problem – challenge – riskcriticism centric, e.g., to…

  • influence business leadership (management teams, boards, and investors) to articulate + frame (a.) question statements, and/or (b.) problems – risks to be mitigated, with (c.) empathy, ideation, model-prototype development, testing, and analysis, to
  • align with (the business) operation – economic realities that today, and for the foreseeable future, most businesses, irrespective of sector, stage, size, or location, are increasingly intangible asset intensive, dependent, and reliant.

Framing + posing pertinent question (and/or risk mitigation) statements relative to the experiences of customers, clients, and/or consumers, are key underliers to design thinking because-presumably it is…

  • those parties + the holders-deliverers of particular-products and/or services which have primary interest in recognizing + mitigating the circumstances in which problems, challenges, and/or risks materialize as preludes to/for avoidance, mitigation, and sustainable resolution.

Respectfully, question + risk mitigation statements are obliged to be framed + posed for parties to consider-factor when, why, where, and how particular-problems, risks, challenges, and/or criticisms arise initially – repeatedly.

Businesses are (fiduciarily) obliged to recognize – appreciate it is the intangible asset components of their business which they rely – depend for valuation, e.g.,

  1. differentiate (business, brand, product, service).
  2. create competitive advantage.
  3. generate revenue capability – capacity.
  4. attract investment.

As such, business leaders, et al, are fiduciarily obliged to

  • hold, safeguard, and embed same in operating cultures, products, services, etc., (irrespective of sector, stage, size, location), and

Also, design thinking, as described here is a timely, collaborative, marketable, and operating culture-centered process which serves as…

  • rationale to invite + integrate customer – client experiences with particular- products and services, i.e., their relevance as well as any application challenges and/or risks.
  • strategy to legitimately advocate + market the revelation of user challenges and subsequent re-innovation of a product or service specific to…
    • existing and projected clients, customers, and consumers.
    • a business’s operating culture.
    • products, services, and/or offerings.

I respectfully encourage readers to try ‘design thinking’, you will probably-like it, and benefit from it. Please contact Mr. Moberly for suggestions and/or guidance.

The ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog’ is experientially-researched, written, and produced by Michael D. Moberly, to provide practical insights, and sometimes alternative perspectives to readers, ala business leaders, management teams, boards, stakeholders, and investors, etc., to aid in identifying, distinguishing, assessing, valuing, safeguarding, and lucratively – competitively developing – applying their ‘mission essential’ intangible assets. 

Readers are-encouraged to review and comment on this, and other posts.


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