Converting A Businesses Intangible Assets to Value…

I provide respectful guidance to businesses for exploiting, commercializing, and monetizing there key intangible assets to…sources of revenue, value, competitive advantage, and reputation, etc.

There are indeed various viable paths – strategies a business can pursue to…convert their key intangible assets. The paths – strategies are frequently nuanced by the…

  • type – category of intangible asset(s), and
  • circumstance, context, risk, and particular objectives set forth by a business and/or client.

Devising particular, i.e., good, better, best strategies for the conversion of…intangible assets, i.e., those which produce – deliver higher contributory roles and value for a company-business, may vary – be dependent on…

  • issues and/or challenges related to (past-present-future) control, use, ownership of the assets.
  • the assets’ origins and development, which may already, or will likely be, in play, and
  •  how – when (circumstance, transaction, etc.) the assets’ conversion is intended to be applied for a return.

In many instances, preludes to positioning – converting particular intangible assets…on paths to produce – deliver higher sources of value, revenue generation, competitive advantage, reputation, etc., that process commences with…

  • strategically re-assessing precisely how the contributory role and value of the intangible assets can best be utilized – applied.
  • ensuring those assets are effectively safeguarded commensurate with their contributory role, value, and conversion strategy

Converting intangible assets to (new, additional) sources of value, revenue, competitive advantage, reputation, and sustainability…should not be conceived as an option, rather a (fiduciary) responsibility…

  • commensurate with the irreversible and irrefutable economic fact that today, and for the foreseeable future
  • 80+% of most company’s value, sources of revenue, competitiveness, and sustainability lie in – emerge directly from intangible assets, i.e., various forms of intellectual, structural, and relationship capital.

Doing so will seldom, if ever…influence new business challenges and/or risks to surface and cause either party provoke a party to assume a proposed or pending transaction will be at risk!

For these reasons, especially in today’s go fast, go hard, go global workforce and business (transaction) environment…unraveling and endeavoring to lucratively and competitively resolve IA-related challenges, risks, or disputes  surely warrants having at will expertise and capabilities to engage a company’s intangible assets rapidly, knowledgeably, and effectively, ala intangible asset operational familiarity.

I am not suggesting here that…even a large percentage of business initiatives – transactions will be challenged or at risk today based upon misunderstandings, misgivings, or alternate interpretations about the disposition, use, contributory role, value, ownership, or control of key intangible assets in play.  However, many materialized business risks today are capable of delivering, if ignored or unrecognized, levels of vulnerability, probability, and criticality which can cascade throughout an enterprise.

It is imprudent for business leadership to…exhibit dismissiveness and/or disregard for their key intangible assets. It is prudent, however, for leadership to…anticipate and be prepared to rapidly and effectively monitor and respond to challenges – risks to emerge.

Obviously, the primary objective for business leadership is to convert their intangible assets…in ways that mitigate, if not prevent, risks from materializing that adversely affect intangible asset value, create cascading effects, and/or influence a transaction outcome to be impeded, or less competitive.

That said, as a practitioner, I recognize the…stewardship, oversight, and management, ala conversion, of any businesses intangible assets as being largely executed – realized as operational norms for the forward looking – thinking.

Business intangibles should not be cordoned off as the…exclusive (do not touch) domains of legal counsel, accounting, or auditing. For business leaders not already so inclined, there is ample economic – managerial evidence to note it’s now essential to acquire, and have, at the ready, sufficient intangible asset operational familiarity upon which…

  • deliberate, lucrative, competitive, and executable strategies – decisions can emerge rapidly, and perhaps, most importantly, at will.

There is no doubt today, that...growing percentages of business relationships and transactions emerge, develop, and execute on-the-basis-of ultra-valuable and ultra-competitive intangible assets being available and in play. As such, the stakes and outcomes to business transactions and initiatives are indeed, high.

So, I believe, respectful, knowledgeable, and genuinely collaborative intangible assets strategists…should be ‘permanently’ positioned to…

  • provide the necessary and relevant counsel to develop lucrative-
    competitive strategies (paths) to convert the growing numbers of intangible asset intensive – dependent businesses to lucrative, competitive, and sustainable entities.

Michael D. Moberly, March 25, 2019 St. Louis [email protected] the ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog’ since May 2006, 650+ published posts, read in 137 countries, ‘where one’s attention span, businesses intangible assets, and solutions converge’! (This post underwent significant modification at my hand since it was originally published on April 17, 2017.)

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