Information asset protection and cyber security policies and practices must be collaborative and cross-functional. Information (intangible) asset protection and cyber security policies and practices must be collaborative and cross-functional.
Intellectual Capital: Safeguards and Management Are Not Options!
Safeguarding Intangible Assets & IP
Managing and safeguarding a company’s intellectual capital is a business necessity and fiduciary responsibility and not an option nor a luxury.
Intangible Assets and Organizational Resilience
Safeguarding Intangible Assets & IP
Organizational resilience is not merely a tweaked version of conventional continuity and contingency planning.
Insider Threats – Risks To Information Assets: The 20-60-20 Rule
Safeguarding Intangible Assets & IP
20% of the people we work with, when their seemingly thin social-psychological veneer is grazed are inherently dishonest, unethical, and possesses misguided, or little, if any, sense of professional/personal integrity or loyalty to their employer.
Cyber Security Is Not Synonymous With Protecting Intangible Assets
Safeguarding Intangible Assets & IP
Cyber security is not synonymous with protecting intangible assets.
Merger and Acquisition Due Diligence: Don’t Overlook – Dismiss Intangible Assets
Safeguarding Intangible Assets & IP
When negotiating any business transaction, particularly a merger or acquisition, intangible assets and intellectual property (IP) will be part of the deal.