Islamic law and intellectual property rights.
Reputation Risk Mitigation Confidentiality Agreements
Safeguarding Intangible Assets & IP
Well constructed and monitored confidentiality agreements can mitigate company reputation risks.
Intangible Assets Affecting Commercialization Success
Safeguarding Intangible Assets & IP
Ten essential intangible asset-related questions inventors should ask that will affect the commercialization success of their invention…
Intellectual Property Theft Faster Than They Can Steal
Safeguarding Intangible Assets & IP
Intellectual property theft.
Pre-Employment Screening Reversal Theory
Safeguarding Intangible Assets & IP
Insider threats and economic espionage; reversal theory provides relevant explanations.
Intangible Assets Beat The Odds Of Theft
Safeguarding Intangible Assets & IP
It’s every companies’ responsibility to have practices in place to ‘beat the odds’ valuable, revenue and competitive advantage producing intangible assets will fall prey to adverse acts/events, i.e., infringement, misappropriation, and counterfeiting.