Intangible assets, they really matter when it comes to the speed of innovation.
Successful M&A Outcomes, Role of Intangible Assets
Safeguarding Intangible Assets & IP
Transaction negotiations today are aggressive, competitive, predatorial, and generally manifest as winner-take-all outcomes. Under these circumstances, dismissing and/or relegating the posture and standing of key intangible assets to mere hope and trust is fiduciarily suspect at best.
More Businesses Are Intangible Asset Intensive and Dependent!
Safeguarding Intangible Assets & IP
It should be clear by now that most companies-businesses are variously IA (intangible asset) intensive and dependent.
Effectively Addressing Insider Threat To Proprietary Information, A Strategy!
Safeguarding Intangible Assets & IP
Among information asset protection/safeguard specialists, there is an anecdotally rooted adage referred to as the ’20-60-20 rule’ for addressing persistent threats – risks posed by insiders.
Intangible Asset Impact Analysis
Safeguarding Intangible Assets & IP
Three intangible assets are challenging to sustain – preserve their contributory role and value, particularly in post-transaction contexts, they are intellectual, relationship, and structural capital.
Professional Service Firms and Intangible Assets
Safeguarding Intangible Assets & IP
Intangible asset services and professional service firms.