Intangible assets are not well suited for on-size-fits-all or snap-shot-in-time management, assessment, or valuation.
Putting Intangible Assets To Work A Roadmap For Management Teams
An outcome of the irreversible change from the tangible to the intangible was that it became clear that intangibles were slowly being more fully integrated in company’s operational thinking, strategic outlook and planning,
Elevate Investor Confidence Through Patent Quality
An inventor’s first call should be to an intangible asset strategist and risk specialist because there is a lot of important work that must be achieved before, during, and after a patent is issued.
University Research Technology Transfer Intangible Assets!
University-base research and technology transfer, don’t overlook the intangible assets.
Business Plans Intangible Assets’
There remain management teams who attach far too much symbolism to conventionally framed and sequentially structured business plans. There should be an intangible asset intelligent ‘managerial culture’ in place when conceiving – writing startup business plans!
Academic Freedom Is An Intangible Asset!
Academic freedom as it applies to university-based scientific research is one of our most fundamental intangible assets!