Economic espionage, can there be a rationale?
New Drivers of Computer/IT Security: Contributory Value, Materiality, and Risk!
It’s impractical for companies to continue to assume the time and costs of installing ever bigger, one size fits all, snap-shot-in-time firewalls and data/information security – protection products to thwart the growing number of sophisticated and global economic and competitive advantage adversaries and legacy free players, aka hackers when intangible assets remain at risk.
CSIS and McAfee Collaborate: Economic Impact of Cyber Crime and Cyber Espionage
CSIS and McAfee collaborate to produce ‘Economic Impact of Cyber Crime and Cyber Espionage’.
**Product Piracy and Counterfeiting Is A Persistent Economic – Competitive Advantage Risk
When values are calculated for stolen IP and intangible assets, they may be (a.) quite subjective, (b.) merely regurgitated guesstimates, and/or (c.) embedded with inadvertent biases or political agendas and other variables that inevitably influence high or low valuations.
Assessing Business Impacts of Economic Espionage…
Calculating and assigning a dollar values to cyber – economic espionage is more than mere guesstimates.
Measuring Consequences of Economic Espionage…
Company’s economic consequences to acts of economic espionage.