Building a high performance company culture is a valuable intangible asset.
Company Cultures’ Are Valuable Intangible Assets!
Business Reputation Risk & Mitigation
Effective company cultures’ are valuable intangible assets.
Business Culture Due Diligence
Business Reputation Risk & Mitigation
I hold the view that business culture due diligence, while a necessary element to any business transaction should be distinguished in intangible asset contexts, i.e., intellectual, structural, and relationship capital.
Company Culture, Intangible Assets, and Due Diligence
Business Reputation Risk & Mitigation
Company culture is a powerful and lucrative intangible asset, but it requires consistent due diligence, i.e., stewardship, oversight, and management, that is, if a company’s leadership wish it to remain intact.
Entrepreneurs and Patents…
Business Reputation Risk & Mitigation
Previously I characterized the likelihood that an idea, innovation (or patent) would be stolen, infringed, or counterfeited, etc., as probabilities, now I have adopted a more realistic approach by framing likelihoods, not as mere probabilities, rather as inevitabilities!
Intangible Asset Strategists and Consultants
Business Reputation Risk & Mitigation
A message for intangible asset strategists and consultants.