Cost of employee misunderstanding, $37b in intangible assets.
Intangible Asset Risk Mitigation vs. Risk Management
Business Reputation Risk & Mitigation
The business community and service providers have become piously complacent about assuming the terms risk management and risk mitigation are interchangeable.
Business Leaders Are Obliged To Recognize The Relevance of Intangible Assets…
Business Reputation Risk & Mitigation
There are numerous business concepts and practices which are less challenging to explain than IA’s (intangible assets) especially to those who have no, or hold only an introductory familiarity with IA’s.
Reputation Risk Is Less An Exercise in Public Relations…
Business Reputation Risk & Mitigation
Reputation risks, once materialized, should not be handled as mere public relations challenge that has a starting point and ending point!
Company Culture Due Diligence As Prelude To Finalizing Business Transaction
Business Reputation Risk & Mitigation
Any company initiating, or even contemplating, a M&A (merger or acquisition) would be well served if a ‘company culture assessment’ was included in their due diligence strategy!
Sewing Intangibles of Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt
Business Reputation Risk & Mitigation
Fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) are intangible assets (or liabilities) depending on one’s view.