Business Training Curriculum for Intangible Assets
An Overview of Education Curriculum for Intangible Asset Training
What follows is an overview of kpstrat’s training – education curriculum for achieving…
Business Training Curriculum
Professional Service Firm Marketing
Media Appearances
- operational familiarity,
- safeguarding, and
- exploiting businesses intangible assets,
- whenever, however, and wherever (circumstances) the assets are – will be in play!
Today, and for the foreseeable future, growing percentages of business operations, transactions, and projects.
- emerge from businesses which are intangible asset intensive and dependent.
- are premised on the acquisition, development, safeguarding-risk mitigation, and conversion of intangible assets (to sources of value, revenue, and competitive advantage.
…after all, it is an irrefutable – irreversible economic fact today, and for the foreseeable future, that 80+% of most business’s value, sources of revenue, competitiveness, and sustainability lie in – emerge directly from intangible (non-physical) assets, composed primarily of various forms of intellectual, structural, and relationship capital…
kpstrat’s intangible asset training provides relevant, timely, and lucrative rationales and strategies for business leadership to
- Identify, safeguard, monitor, and preserve the various contributory roles, development, and value of key intangible assets routinely embedded in company operations, initiatives, and transactions…
- Achieve proficiency insofar as aligning a company’s practices, operations, initiatives, and transactions with diverse global environments replete with persistent and sophisticated risks in which assessment, management, pre-post transaction due diligence, and value sustaining strategies are essential to achieving projected outcomes…
- Design and put in place relevant policies and practices to…
- foster a companywide culture that recognizes – respects the value of critical (core) intangible assets relative to their proper handling, protection, preservation and monitoring in business transactions…
- elevate awareness, alertness, and accountability for identifying and communicating significant risks (related to intangible assets, IP, and proprietary competitive advantages, etc.) in business transactions before irreversible ‘economic hemorrhaging’ can occur…
- Extract and/or leverage more value, competitive advantage, and revenue generation from intangible assets in business transactions…
kpstrat’s intangible asset ‘operational familiarity training’ stands apart from other training because it experientially.
- focuses squarely on the global universality of…
- the economic fact that 80+% of most company’s value, sources of revenue, competitiveness, and sustainability lie in – evolve from intangible assets.
- assessing, acting on, and reporting the value, materiality, and performance of business’s intangible assets is a fiduciary responsibility.
kpstrat’s training does not require participants-beneficiaries to step outside their professional domains of expertise
- rather each module is designed to add current, relevant, practical, and managerial level multipliers to participants existing skill sets and competencies.
kpstrat exceeds conventional (intangible asset) training by
- recognizing, distinguishing, and factoring business’s operational nuances that reach across people, technology, risk, and financials,
- employing a holistic approach, not merely one-size-fits-all, checklists, templates, or reliance on past practices.
- treating the control, use, and ownership…of intangible assets as…
- business and asset preservation decisions, and
- fiduciary responsibilities,
- which compliment legal and accounting rules and standards.
kpstrat’s training demonstrates strategies for enabling – facilitating
- more secure, lucrative, and sustainable transactions, collaborations and alliances through, among other practices, its distinctive pre – post transaction due diligence.
kpstrat’s training describes techniques to mitigate
- current, emerging, and horizonal risks to a business’s (key, strategic) intangible assets which can cascade enterprise wide.
- the materialization of risk in/to transactions-initiatives a business may engage, undertake, or collaborate.
- risk that adversely affects (erodes) assets’ contributory role, value, and/or undermine their competitive advantages that…
- create time consuming distractions and/or disrupt – impede transaction momentum.
- ensnare – entangle intangibles in costly legal disputes and/or challenges.
kpstrat’s training reduces uncertainty and adds predictability
to business initiatives and transactions by…
- demonstrating strategies to monitor asset stability, fragility, defensibility, and value.
- elevating probability for achieving projected returns, competitive-market/sector position, and creating synergies/efficiencies…
- rapidly – efficiently identifying key revenue – competitive advantage producing intangible assets.
- enhancing new (product-service) market entry – strategic planning.
kpstrat’s training contributes to building an
intangible asset alert – intelligent business operating culture to distinguish, assess, and act on any measurable fluctuations in key asset’s contributory role to (business) value, competitiveness, revenue generation, sustainability, and reputation, etc.
Particularly distinctive and useful components to kpstrat’s training curriculum emerge from
- demonstrating strategies for measuring-assessing intangible assets ‘contributory role and value’ to a project, brand, transaction, etc.
- providing practical foundations for aligning organizational resilience, aka continuity -contingency planning.demonstrating strategies for measuring-assessing intangible assets ‘contributory role and value’.
kpstrat’s training recognizes that the life, value, functionality, and materiality cycles
of particular-intangible assets fluctuate when certain risks materialize, cascade, and adversely affect…
- business – personnel reputation.
- product-service functionality.
- projected innovation.
- new product-service launches.
kpstrat’s training recognizes that conventional intellectual properties…i.e., patents particularly (standing alone)
. do not provide transaction predictability, nor serve as deterrents or safe harbors to globally predatorial infringement and/or misappropriation operations.
The proactive context and strategies embedded throughout kpstrat’s intangible asset training curriculum…
collectively form a distinctive and practical model, with immediate relevance, to entrepreneurial -early stage companies, university-based startups, maturing companies, and university-private sector R&D consortiums, etc.,
- with special attention to safeguarding and mitigating risk, i.e., vulnerability, probability, and criticality, to company’s intangibles.
kpstrat’s intangible asset training curriculum is relevant to
management teams, boards, stakeholders, and a range of business leaders and professional service firms, irrespective of industry sector, products, services, annual sales, size, or location.
kpstrat’s curriculum also includes descriptions…
of probable outcomes, i.e., more lucrative, competitive, and challenge free transactions, whenever, wherever, and however a business’s intangible assets are in play!
kpstrat’s unique and immediately relevant curriculum I have developed emerges from
- 25+ years of professional consulting, university teaching, a strong and consistent research regimen.
- publishing 650+ blog (often long form) posts, books, and professional-position papers, and interacting with colleagues globally on all things intangible.
- consulting engagements, media appearances, and research which have largely focused on…
- identifying, assessing, safeguarding, and mitigating risk to intangibles.
- being one of the first to conduct comprehensive (intangible asset) pre-post transaction due diligence, and
- facilitating development of business transaction cultures to achieve operational familiarity with intangible assets’ contributory roles and value.
The priorities of my work, research, writing, and this curriculum, are coordinated to
enhance asset values, competitive advantages, and mitigate risks, which, should the latter materialize, will, with substantially greater probability, be a precursor to…
- undermining – eroding the contributory role and value of intangibles, and cascade throughout a business and its value – supply chain, to adversely affect other intangibles, i.e., reputation, brand, image, and goodwill.
My priorities for this curriculum are not solely about identifying and mitigating risk…
in addition, the curriculum demonstrates strategies for conducting timely – relevant asset (intangible asset) assessments and pre-post transaction due diligence, etc., to ensure asset stability, sustainability, value, revenue generation, and competitive advantages remain intact, because…
- today, lucrative – competitive business operations, projects, and transactions are increasingly – almost wholly reliant-dependent on management team’s
- ability to effectively and consistently harness, develop-nurture, convert, and exploit intangible assets into forms of value, sources of revenue, competitive advantage, and market position.
kpstrat’s curriculum remains true to the ‘business operating reality’ that intellectual, structural, and relationship capital, i.e., intangible assets
can routinely – consistently deliver economic and competitive advantages, but, only if and when the holder of those assets…
- sustain the necessary control, use, ownership, as well as
- monitor any fluctuations in the assets’ value and materiality,
- throughout their respective life – functionality cycles’.
Should you wish to discuss further the benefits and specifics of bringing this curriculum to your business, I encourage you to contact me at [email protected] (St. Louis) and perhaps explore my books, papers, and blog posts at https://kpstrat.com/blog.