Business Operating Cultures: Role of Intangible Assets…

 Michael D. Moberly, Principal, Founder kpstrat – A Business Intangible Asset Strategy and Risk Mitigation Collaborative – Business Intangible Asset Blog A Reliable Source About Business Things Intangible Since 2006

A business’s operating culture can be an attractive, informative, competitive, valuable, revenue generating, and sustainable intangible asset!

Edgar Schein, a scholar I admire on matters related to business operating cultures, describes company cultures as…

  • emerging from management teams, boards, and employees, and
  • collectively recognized as delivering beneficial outcomes accruing to each group,
  • especially as each solves problems – challenges by applying shared norms, values, and beliefs, ala a culture.

I respectfully add, a business (operating) culture can materialize as (a.) a confident and convincing body of (b.) agreed upon perspectives which

  • serve as guides, demeanors, and resilient boundaries, and/or parameters.
  • describe and are evidenced by exhibiting particular (operating) norms, e.g., how things are obliged to be done in various circumstances.

A significant time-line distinction today (compared to previous eras which were dependent on the accumulation of more and larger tangible – physical assets, i.e., property, equipment, inventory, machines, and numbers of employees…

  • business economics, operability, and sustainability are now irreversibly and increasingly intangible asset intensive, dependent, and reliant.

This translates to 80+% of most business’s valuation, competitive position, revenue generation capability, and sustainability lie in – emerge directly from developing – deploying the right sets of intangible – non-physical assets, at the right time, in the right way, in the right place, at the right cost.

Relevant to this discussion (post) is the phrase ‘knowledge-based economy’ which is rightfully credited to Peter Drucker in The Age of DiscontinuityA knowledge-based economy, Drucker point out, refers to…

  • the use of various knowledge technologies such as knowledge engineering and/or knowledge management to produce economic benefits, and in
  • knowledge-based economy, knowledge essentially becomes a tool (a means), not necessarily a product.

Cornerstones to the 2023 knowledge-based economy emerge from the collaborative collections of specialized intangible assets which most business cultures’, whether recognized or not, now uniquely develop, depend, and thrive.

As a business intangible asset strategist and risk mitigator, I am experientially inclined to draw readers attention to particular – types-categories of intangible asset, i.e.,

  1. intellectual capital (knowledge, knowhow)
  2. structural capital (processes, procedures)
  3. relationship capital (associations, connections, alliances), and the
    • various ways each converge to shape and convey brands of operating culture, irrespective of a business’s sector, size, stage, sales, products, services, or location.

Of course, business operating cultures hold internal relevance to-for employees, and external – public relevance to-for attracting – sustaining consumers and clients, where ‘operating culture’ serves as (among other things) a comparative…

  • distinguisherdefiner of the intellectual, structural, and relationship capital deemed relevant to being and remaining an attractive, competitive, valuable, and sustainable entity of preference.

Not-to-be-overlooked, are the various ways and how each intangible asset in play, interacts with particular – conventions of past practice, e.g., what consumers – clients have become accustomed.

Business leaders, management teams, boards, investors, and employees alike, are (fiduciarily) obliged to (a.) recognize, and (b.) be positioned to distinguish, develop, build, introduce, apply, safeguard, and effectively…

  • utilize their brand and blend of intangible assets to
  • enhance valuation, competitive position, generate revenue, and build foundations for sustainable growth.

Unfortunately, the existence, contributory roles, and value adds produced by particular – intangible assets are not consistently considered components to business leadership + management education, training, or experience…

  • in part this is because business things intangible is seldom reported (durationally or for longevity) on conventionally framed balance sheets.

Hence, if business things intangible, are not valued or reported consistently, should they be considered relevant – important as I advocate in 1100+ long form blog posts? Absolutely!

Respectfully, while the relevance of intangible assets to business economics, operations, cultures, and outcomes, etc., may still be elusive to some, they are ‘mission essential’ today, and for the foreseeable future.

In my capacity as a business intangible asset strategist, risk mitigator, and founder of ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog’, I am obliged to draw attention to issues related to business things intangible, e.g., advancements, risks, safeguards, strategies, etc., with…

  • experientially reliable research, that is absent ‘shrill, hurried, imprudent, or brash dramatics.’ Preferably this represents messages underlying each

This post, and each post @ Business Intangible Asset Blog, is developed, researched, written, and published entirely @ the experienced hand of Michael D. Moberly.

The ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog’ originated in 2006 and now includes 1100+ long form (topic specific) posts intended to respectfully provide readers, ala business leaders, management teams, boards, and investors (nationally – internationally) with reliable insights and perspectives about the intangible asset-side of business development, economics, valuation, competitiveness, operability, resilience, and sustainability.


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