Michael D. Moberly, Intangible Asset Strategist & Risk Specialist
Business things intangible you may not know you did not know…
Achieving operational familiarity with your business’s intangible assets is a good thing!
Relevant preludes to engaging this curriculum may lie with recognizing the universality + immediate relevance of,
…it is an irreversible economic fact, 80+% of most business’s value, sources of revenue, competitive advantage, reputation, and sustainability lie – emerge directly from prudent exploitation + safeguards attached to business things intangible, i.e., various forms + applications of intellectual, structural, and relationship capital which will intensify and expand, not diminish, post pandemic.
…the acquisition, development, infusion, application of safeguards and risk mitigation, and the sustainable exploitation of business things intangible, i.e., variations of intellectual, structural, and relationship capital, relevant to innovation, operating culture, revenue generation, and competitiveness.
Respectfully, frequent preludes for leaders, entrepreneurs, and other echelons of forward thinkers to (a.) consider, (b.) seek, and then (c.) acquire operational familiarity with business things intangible include adjustments to one’s operational perspective + strategic outlook, ala acknowledging…
- significant and growing percentages of businesses are unarguably and irreversibly, intangible asset intensive and dependent, i.e., IA’s are, almost always + necessarily, in play.
- intangible assets are mission + execution essential fixtures, drivers, and contributors to consistently achieving competitive, lucrative, and sustainable business operation and transaction outcomes.
Equally certain, endeavoring to remain engaged in the aggressively predatorial, globally competitive, go fast – go hard business-innovation (development, trade, and transaction) environments,
- absent operational familiarity with business things intangible, vulnerabilities + risks to mission essential IA’s, which are unrecognized, unchecked, and un-mitigated, are preludes to substantially diminished, challenged, and/or foregone favorable outcomes.