Building Brand Resilience: The Role of Intangible Assets

Michael D. Moberly – January 16, 2024 – Business Intangible Asset Strategy & Risk Mitigation – Founder, Business Intangible Asset Blog & kpstrat

Building brand resilience can mitigate the time and cost of trying to recoup – restore reputation – brand valuation following the viral materialization of reputational risks..

It’s inopportune and can be very messy to try to try to build + defend business – brand while defending – combatting nefarious reputation risks.

Differentiating the ‘mission essential’ intangible assets in play – at risk is important and pivotal. Mission essential intangible assets are brand-business specific assets which contribute tohave a direct bearing on valuation, competitiveness, and revenue generation capability, etc.

It’s important to recognize that business – brand attractivity, et al, is largely dependent on the right forms, contexts, and/or applications of intangible (non-physical) assets, being introduced, at the right time, in the right way, at the right cost, i.e.,

  • intellectual capital (knowledge and knowhow)
  • structural capital (processes and procedures)
  • relationship capital (alliances and associations).

Specific contributions of intangible assets (to valuation, revenue generation, etc.) emerge from businesses awareness of and ability to repeatedly effect

  1. which forms-contexts of intangible assets should be developed.
  2. when, where, and how same should be introduced-applied, and
  3. how same are treated, e.g., preferably as proprietary, with relevant safeguards, and risk mitigation in place.

At I describe 15 types-categories of intangible assets (with explanations and examples) for readers to examine and test.

Consistent practice (application) of these principles is obliged to be recognized as necessary preludes to…

  1. build, monitor, and sustain sufficient resilience, durability, and sustainability.
  2. translate to business, brand, and operating culture valuation, competitiveness, and revenue generation capability.

 Readers are reminded that today, and for the foreseeable future, most businesses, irrespective of sector, size, sales, stage of development, etc., in increasingly intangible assets intensive and dependent…

In an effort to seek some affirmation of the perspectives and strategies conveyed herein, i.e., I reviewed multiple sources outside conventions of business operation and economics.

A particularly beneficial and relevant (non-business) resource I found has to do with Sustainability Principles and Practice – 3rd Edition – Margaret Robert (

While Robertson’s work focuses on ‘sustainability science and practice for the environment’, there are numerous cross-over applications – relevancy to (private sector) business and brand resilience, durability, and sustainability, which are revealing.

Stepping outside convention to examine issues of sustainability and resilience affirmed the views expressed @ this blog, that…

  • business – organization resilience and sustainability planning, strategy, and practice are (fiduciary-level) obligations, and
  • differentiating the ‘intangible assets in play – at risk are essential elements to strategy effectiveness.

Specifically, business leaders, management teams, boards, and investors, are obliged to treat business – brand reputations, et al, as being capable of durability, resilience, and sustainability for indeterminate periods.

  • Such recognition paves the way for ‘mission essential’ intangible assets to become consistent – sustainable contributors, as intended to (business) valuation, reputation, competitiveness, and revenue generation capability.

The principles associated with this approach and its strategies are straight-forward and doable. Neither are disqualify-ingly costly, time consuming, disruptive, nor momentum stifling to a business.

These principles of resilience – sustainability translate to…

  1. enduring and durable, i.e., the ability to persist, continue, maintain, support, and contribute over long periods without (significant) interruption, e.g., the ability to endure without failing.
  2. identifying long term goals and examining strategies for achieving those goals, and assessing (products, outcomes) using measurable indicators.
  3. acknowledging change and risk (in business) are conditions and circumstances which should be expected and have become relatively routine.
  4. recognizing that a business – brand can exist in various states of stability over long periods of time, providing each are…
  • aligned with time-effort-resources to create adjustable – adaptive capacities that lead to,
  • positioned to respond – react to (a.) projected and/or sudden brand – organization-wide shocks, disturbances, risk(s) that can nefariously and asymmetrically materialize @ keystroke speeds.

Readers can find numerous posts @ Business Intangible Asset Blog that describe that ‘contributory role methodology’ the valuation of intangible assets.

Posts @ Business Intangible Asset Blog present various ‘risk realities’ that warrant attention of business leaders, entrepreneurs, R&D administrators, management teams, boards, and investors across sectors. Mitigating (reacting, responding to) the often ‘public – viral’ risks and challenges produced by reputational risks, are obligations with little room or time for equivocation or error.

The Business Intangible Asset Blog was created in 2006 and now includes 1100+ topic specific posts intended to provide readers, ala business leaders, management teams, R&D administrators, boards, and investors, etc., with reliable insights to the application, valuation, competitiveness, revenue generation, and sustainability contributions of intangible assets.

Posts at Business Intangible Asset Blog are intended to draw attention to the development, application, management, safeguards, and risk mitigation of business’s ‘mission essential’ intangible assets.

Readers are respectfully invited to explore other – similar posts, along with books, pamphlets, and papers available @ ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog’ and


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