by beanstalk | May 20, 2019 | Uncategorized
Respectfully, but nevertheless, to my amazement, most discussions I have with business leaders…regarding the inevitability of theft – misappropriation of their company’s intellectual property and/or proprietary (trade secret) intangible assets before, during, or...
by beanstalk | May 15, 2019 | Uncategorized
‘They are stealing our intellectual property’…is a consistent refrain of U.S. administrations and echoed throughout the media, in my view, more so since the… formation of the WTO (World Trade Organization) on January 1, 1995, whose purpose is to provide (a.)...
by beanstalk | May 14, 2019 | Safeguarding Intangible Assets & IP
Readers, there is still debate about just what may constitute the world’s oldest profession…my experience and study on the matter points to misappropriation (poaching) of the intellectual work product of another, not prostitution as many euphemistically...
by beanstalk | May 8, 2019 | Business Reputation Risk & Mitigation
I am routinely and genuinely bewildered and disappointed by…the actions of numerous, presumably professionals, serving in – appointed to the executive, judicial, and legislative branches of our government. It gives me absolutely no comfort, nor joy, to assert...
by beanstalk | May 7, 2019 | Intangible Assets & Business
Human capital is one type – category of intangible asset…that can, when effectively exploited – leveraged produce value, competitiveness, sustainability, and sources of revenue for a business. An over-arching reason for the current (broader, expanded) interest...