Corporate Honesty

Michael D. Moberly, Principal, Founder, kpstrat A business blog in which attention span really matters! Corporate honesty is a powerful + valuable intangible asset!  Here, now, I respectfully wish readers view this intangible asset through a legal lens referred...

Reputation Risks, are they predictable?

Michael D. Moberly , Principal, Founder, kpstrat A blog where attention span really matters… A respectful ‘short answer’…yes, probably, in most instances which I am familiar. However, leader reputation risks involve, not infrequently, behaviors, attitudes, and/or...

Unlocking the Value of Intangible Assets…

Michael D. Moberly, Principal, Founder, kpstrat Business leadership (across sectors) are routinely conveying more receptivity and inclination to recognize their obligations to business things intangible, i.e., differentiate (assess) mission + brand essential...