A Professional Development Curriculum that brings relevance, clarity, and best practices to business intangible assets…

Michael D. Moberly, Principal, Founder kpstrat – A Business Intangible Asset Strategy and Risk Mitigation Collaborative – Business Intangible Asset Blog: A Reliable Source About Business Things Intangible Since 2006

Earlier in my career, when business security interests focused primarily on safeguarding – mitigating loss and access to tangible-physical assets, i.e., property, inventory, and equipment, etc., this (professional development) curriculum, would have been considered at the margins and on few radar screens.

Today however, as businesses, across sectors, are increasingly – irreversibly intangible asset intensive, dependent, and reliant, this curriculum is on targetahead of the field.

This is the initial professional development curriculum to focus exclusively on the intangible asset side of business.

But there are no certificates issued by the government (ala IP, patent, trademark, copyright designations) to

  1. signal business leaders, management teams, entrepreneurs, and investors, these are ‘mission essential’ intangible assets, treat them accordingly, via safeguards, NDA’s, non-competes, and reputational risk mitigation, etc.
  2. describe various ways and how intangible assets directly contribute to (enhance-sustain), business (product-service) valuation, competitive advantage, revenue generation capability-capacity, attractivity, differentiation, standing, and operating culture.
  3. distinguish which-when-how-where ‘mission essential’ intangible assets are in playand likely at risk, e.g., every initiative, project, and/or transaction.

That is…unless – until risks materialize and stifle momentum, undermine brand, and create reputational – competitive harms at the will, timing, and motives of others, @ keystroke speeds.

These responsibilities – obligations lie solely with the developers – holders – users of intangible assets deemed ‘mission essential’.

This curriculum confidently, neatly, and experientially encompasses the intangible asset-side-of-business, i.e., asset development, introduction-application, contributions, valuation, resilience, safeguards, and risk mitigation, etc.

In doing so, this curriculum respectfully offsets – supplants some conventional – cliched perspectives about ‘business things intangible’, e.g.,

  • what intangible assets
  • rationale to develop unique intangible assets to brand businesses, products, and services, etc.
  • when-where-how intangible assets contribute to valuation and competitiveness, etc., and
  • mission essential intangible assets’ vulnerability to, probability of, and criticality should particular – risks materialize and cascade.

This curriculum brings operational clarity to business things intangible which unarguably are the dominant underliers – sources to most business’s valuation, competitive advantage, revenue generation capability, wealth creation, and sustainability.

Experientially, this curriculum embodies the principle that business leaders, management teams, boards, entrepreneurs, and investors, et al, are (fiduciarily) obliged to know’em, differentiate’em, whenever-wherever they see’um, e.g.,

  1. how intangible assets develop, emerge, and converge w/i businesses, (preferably) as attractive – lucrative – competitive features to business operating cultures and brands, etc.
  2. distinguishing same relative to assets’ essential to mission, and
  3. circumstances – transactions in which intangible assets are in play, and likely at risk to valuation – reputational harms.

Notably, this curriculum frames expectations – obligations to…

  1. differentiate – designate – manage particular – business things intangible relative to their contributory roles – value adds as ‘mission essential’.
  2. manage these assets as actionable, valuable, and sustainable contributors to business valuation, competitiveness, revenue generation capability, and operating culture, and
  3. safeguardmitigate risks, accordingly, because doing so is

Solely up to the assets’ developers, holders, owners, users, and investors…

Importantly, this curriculum does not solely reflect a western (U.S. business) perspective, rather, global (business) perspectives, insofar as…

  • conveying the universality of and contributory roles + value adds attributable to developing and,
  • developing – introducing spot-on business things intangible, in the right way, at the right time, in the right place, and at the right cost.
  • safeguarding + mitigating risk to same for the duration of their life-value-materiality cycle.

Achieving operational familiarity confidence, with business’s intangible assets, is the primary goal for this professional development curriculum.

For additional context and/or examples, readers are invited to examine kpstrat.com, videos, papers, and posts @ Business Intangible Asset Blog.

The ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog’ is experientially researched, written, and published by Michael D. Moberly, commencing in 2006, now with 1100+ (long form) posts to offer readers, ala business leaders, management teams, entrepreneurs, boards, and investors across sectors, with current – relevant perspectives and insights on matters related to business things intangible.


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