Michael D. Moberly July 19, 2016 ‘A blog where attention span really matters’!
At what point do well orchestrated and choreographed vignettes at national political conventions manifest as assurances of voter perceptions?
Both political conventions, Republican this week, Democrat the following week, will, through focused grouped and timely social engineering techniques seek to deliver attractive intangible caricatures of their respective party’s presidential candidate.
It is fascinating to observe another national political convention dominated by technically enhanced-choreographed visuals and adulterated words that collectively, could correctly be characterized as an enormous 4-day long intangible. Whereby, a national political conventions’ primary objective is to affirm candidates’ presumptive (so-called) brand, image, persona, and bona fides for office. And, execute it in such a way to implant appealing perceptions (intangibles) intended to attract undecideds, appeal to opponents’ supporters, and perhaps, bring clarity to candidates’ positions on matters they and their advisors deem are of import to the American people, all-the-while endeavoring to further distinguish themselves from their opponent.
If this sounds eerily like an infinitely looped version of a ‘super bowl’ halftime commercial, you may be right.
In politics, intangibles can be personal achievements, character, and oratory, etc., that translate as understandable and distinguishable assets which candidates and/or PAC’s can exploit at will, ala affixing (licensing) the name ‘Trump’ as an intangible to the very tangible steak, wine, golf resort, hotel, or building.