Michael D. Moberly, Principal, Founder kpstrat and ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog – Business Intangible Asset Strategies and Risk Mitigator
This post is intended to draw RBSU (research-based startup) founders, management teams, boards, and prospective investors attention to – elevate their familiarity with the…
- mission essential nature of and obligation to recognize + safeguard the intangible assets embedded in research development + outcomes.
RBSU’s are often unique in that many oftheir ‘mission essential’ intangible assets (which they are reliant – dependent) have already emerged – are present (perhaps in open sources) in various experiential and contextual specific forms and applications of…
- intellectual (knowledge – know how) capital,
- structural (process – procedure) capital, and
- relationship (association – affiliation) capital, to be…
RBSU founders – leaders hold the vision to – are charged with differentiating, introducing, andapplying the right intangible assets(individually, collectively, and/or collaboratively)at the right time, in the right amount, in the right place, in the right way, and at the right cost.
Preferably, these intangible assets (as conveyed throughout Business Intangible Asset Blog) will contribute to – converge as a ‘mission centered’ operating culture that is (more) attractive, durable, competitive, lucrative, and sustainable for the duration.
It’s important for those engaged in developing – testing – commercializing an RBSU’s outcomes + product recognize this economic and operational reality…
- irrespective of sector, size, maturation, product, or service, most startups are irreversibly intangible asset intensive, dependent, and reliant.
- 80+% of a startups’ attractivity to prospective investors, valuation, projected (competitive – market) advantages, capability to generate (future) revenue, and the sustainability of same,
- lie in – emerge directly from specific (sets – collaborations) of intellectual, structural, and relationship capital (ala, intangible -non-physical assets),
- which are obliged to be safeguarded – risks mitigated relative to their contributory roles + value adds,
RBSU’s desire to assume responsibility to house, collaboratively test, and seek investment for the potential commercialization of specific – unique innovation…
- should, at this point, be considered – designated (at minimum) as, proprietary and stewarded – safeguarded accordingly by, among other practices…
- recognizing that few – if any R&D projects, irrespective of their origin or location, are likely to go unnoticed by nefarious interests embedded in today’s globally predatorial and competitive business environments,
- numerous-of-which are inclined – at-the-ready to consider and/or engage in infringement, misappropriation, theft, or other acts – paths which can lead to the compromise of an RBSU’s ‘mission essential’ intangible assets.
- for which aspired (conventional) issuance of IP (intellectual property) serves as no ‘standalone’ deterrent.
For these reasons RBSU founders, leaders, management teams, boards, and prospective investors, are (fiduciarily) obliged to…
- recognize ‘mission essential’intangible assets’ vulnerability to and the probability of same being compromised before commercialization and launch, and its
- mitigate risk criticality (adverse effects) to an RBSU’s momentum, valuation, attractivity, and operating culture, etc., should certain risks materialize.
Frequently, when risks materialize to compromise – adversely affect an RBSU mission essential intangible assets, irrespective of their stage of development or efforts to commercialize…
- there will be irreparable harms to assets’ valuation, projected competitiveness, market space, revenue generation capability, branding, reputation, and scalability, etc., which
- leave few viable – near-term options (e.g., pursuing criminal or civil actions) to try to recoup or recover the compromised assets and their unique and potentially lucrative contributory roles and value adds.
The ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog’ is experientially-researched, written, and produced by Michael D. Moberly, to provide perspectives, insights, and additional and sometimes alternative perspectives to readers, ala business leaders, management teams, boards, and investors, etc., to aid in identifying, distinguishing, assessing, valuing, safeguarding, and lucratively – competitively utilizing -applying their ‘mission essential’ intangible assets.
Readers are-encouraged to review and comment on this, and other posts wherein arrays of issues related to business things intangible are authentically and practically conveyed.