Business Intangible Asset Recognition and Management – II

Michael D. Moberly, Principal, Founder kpstrat and ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog – Business Intangible Asset Strategies and Risk Mitigator

The ‘mission essential’ capability conveyed in this post for readers is, the importance of recognizing, seeking, and achieving ‘operational familiarity’ with business things intangible, specific to businesses, brands, products, services, and operating cultures, irrespective of sector.

Operational familiarity with business’s intangible assets correlates with (business) development – operation realities embedded globally in knowledge – knowhow-based economies…

  • which are increasingly intangible asset intensive, dependent, and reliant, and
  • which 70+% of most business’s revenue generation capability-capacity, valuation, competitiveness, and sustainability, lie in – derive from.

Recognizing which, when, where, why, and how to introduce + apply + leverage particular- intangible assets, i.e., various forms, contexts, and applications of intellectual, structural, and relationship capital, which experientially…

  • most businesses have developed and hold, but often do not apply as beneficially as those assets probably can and should be applied.

The Bayes School of Business @ City University of London, and Stern School of Business @ NYU, (among others) emphasize, as do I, that

  1. bringing lucrative – competitive clarity to the ‘intangible asset side of a business’ which underlie + contribute to its brands, products, services, reputation, and operating culture.
  2. recognizing – differentiating the contributory roles and value adds’ of intangible assets and differentiating same as mission – business essential is dependent on timely recognition by business leaders, management teams, boards, and investors.
  3. developing ‘knowledgeable internal advocates’ to recognize the right (forms, contexts of) intangible asset aredeveloped in advance and introduced at the right time, in the right place, in the right way, at the right cost, is a good thing!

Experientially, achieving operational familiarity with a business’s intangible assets obliges minimal time and will universally translate as an internal capability to…

  1. unravel + differentiate the ‘fit and relevance’ of particular-intangible assets whether introduced individually, collectively, and/or collaboratively.
  2. assess particular-intangible assets’ stability, fragility, and receptivity to risk.
  3. pursue desired outcomes – transactions and serve as meaningful entrées to
  4. engage new-prospective clients, buyers, consumers.
  5. advance business – brand competitiveness and revenue generation capability,
  6. recognize potential transaction – licensing opportunities.
  7. demonstrate where – when – how risks should be mitigated before they materialize.

Demystifying business things intangible, obliges readers to recognize they exist in three broad categories (of intangibles), i.e.,

  • goods – productsservices…whose value – competitiveness can generally be established in the marketplace, e.g., licenses, franchises, IP, and brand valuation, etc. 
  • competencies…which include distinctive and perhaps proprietary processes and routines, e.g., knowhow and intellectual capital held and practiced by employees and capable of being created and deployed to the right people at the right time in ways that deliver competitive advantages, value, and bottom-line profits.
  • capabilities – contributions (some-of-which may be emerging, latent, dormant, underlying, and/or concealed), e.g., reputation, image, leadership, innovativeness, and caliber (capability, sustainability) of the workforce.

Readers of Mr. Moberly’s – kpstrat’s ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog’ are encouraged to review and comment on other posts wherein arrays of issues related to business things intangible are experientially researched and authentically and practically expressed.


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