Michael D. Moberly, Principal, Founder kpstrat and ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog – Business Intangible Asset Strategies and Risk Mitigator
Readers are respectfully encouraged to consider this post as reflecting a (fiduciary) obligation (of business leaders, management teams, boards, and investors) to consider, irrespective of sector. I am not suggesting this post, standing alone, constitutes a silver bullet, nor is it a one size fits all template,
However, by...
- appreciating the following perspectives, I am confident, they may be deemed beneficial to business operability + outcomes, in many ways, as is described – explained throughout this Blog.
The ‘mission essential’ (fiduciary) obligations conveyed herein, stem from the undebatable economic – business operation reality that today, and for the foreseeable-future, most all phases of business, their products, services, and transactions, etc., are increasingly and irreversibly intangible asset intensive, dependent, and reliant.
This translates to 70+% of business sources – generators of revenue, and contributions to competitiveness and sustainability, etc., lie in – emerge directly from intangible (non-physical) assets, and less so from tangible (physical) assets.
An encouraging starting point lies with leaderships’ receptivity to business operation, valuation, and brand resiliency – sustainability, etc., lies increasingly in the respective intangible assets, ala recognizing – differentiating which, how, when, where, and why particular-forms, contexts, and applications of…
- the right intellectual (knowledge, knowhow) capital, structural (process, procedure) capital, and relationship (association – interaction) capital,
- should be-developed, held, applied, and converged (individually, collectively, and collaboratively),
- at the right time, in the right place, in the right way, at the right cost are ‘mission essential’.
Recognizing how to unravel, differentiate, apply, and extract value + competitiveness from particular-intangible assets, is essential to using those assets more effectively, lucratively, competitively, and sustainably.
Experientially though, for some businesses, particular-intangible assets they have likely (perhaps proprietarily) developed, applied, and now rely, are neither designated as proprietary, nor recognized as ‘mission essential’. Instead, they are likely to be…
- variously presumed, taken for granted, and/or overlooked, and thereafter
- un-recognized for their actual and measurable contributory roles, value adds, and essentiality to preferred outcomes.
Consequently, (these otherwise) valuable – competitive intangible assets…
- absent stewardship, oversight, and management, are likely to be un-under-appreciated for their relevance to – effects on (business) operating cultures + preferred outcomes.
- instead, ‘business things intangible’ may become receptive to individual – circumstantial interpretation and application, and emerge (at various points – times) as detractors, and/or risks to…
- a business’s mission, reputation, and standing,
- adversely affect – undermine products, services, and relationships.
When this occurs, seldom is it beneficial, ala, The Office (U.S. and/or British versions).
Readers of Mr. Moberly’s – kpstrat’s ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog’ are, respectfully encouraged to review and comment on other posts wherein arrays of issues related to business things intangible, are experientially-researched, and authentically + practically expressed.